Updated: Thursday August 22nd, 2024
August 22nd, 2024
Implementation of the ecosystem approach to fisheries and aquaculture in times of climate change: Advances, challenges and actions. 7th International Symposium on Stock Enhancement and Sea Ranching Biological study program of the cuttlefish in Chile Monitoring mussel larvae SAFA
Sardine and anchovy associated to the artisanal fleet of the Biobío region Oceanography information system CHONOS Project to assess the risk of incidental capture of marine mammals in Chile Sembrando el Mar
Acuicultura a Pequeña Escala (APE) Programa para la consolidación de la Estrategia Pesquero Acuícola del camarón de río del norte en la cuenca del Río Choapa Ecosystem approach in fisheries Red Tide Macrofauna Bentónica de Chile Scientific ship Abate Molina Assessment Center Products used in Aquaculture Age and Growth Laboratory Career and Development Plan