Our Organization

Updated: Monday May 27th, 2024
May 27th, 2024 IFOP

The strategic role of the Fisheries Development Institute (IFOP) is based on the capacity to generate, develop & transfer useful knowledge, which allows our country and the national industry to position itself, competitively & sustainably, in the aquaculture & fishing sector, especially for his investigations of high public value. IFOP develops integral advice for decision making in Fisheries & Aquaculture and research projects on the status & evaluation of sustainable exploitation strategies, estimation of total allowable quotas of commercial interest resources, evaluation and monitoring of benthic resource management areas, hydrobiological health programs, environment & repopulation and crops, and an aquaculture & fishing knowledge node with emphasis on digital preservation, access and visibility of knowledge. Thanks to the work of IFOP, the State has the necessary information to manage & regulate the capture of resources, establish an integrated management of fisheries, deploy a management model and technical assistance, develop aquaculture & sustainable fishing, and safeguard the documentary scientific heritage.


To advise the decision-making of the national fishing & aquaculture institutions, through the preparation of scientific & technical information of public value for the administration and sustainability of the resources of fisheries, aquaculture and their ecosystems.

Our Vision

To be recognized as a technical reference in fisheries and aquaculture research applied to the sustainable use of hydrobiological resources and their environment.