Fisheries Evaluation Department (DEP)

Updated: Wednesday August 9th, 2023
August 9th, 2023 IFOP


Generate knowledge and scientific-technical major national fisheries management information and sustainability of fisheries resources and their ecosystems


Having a multidisciplinary team of professionals with vast experience on issues related to fisheries and biology of resources, data collection and processing and analysis of these. Data collection is performed, both ashore and aboard ships, with a nationwide sampling coverage in major fisheries using up-to-date technology in the collection and storage of data.


They are arranged according to the fleets operating, resource affinity and geographic areas, as follows:

  • Northern Pelagic Monitoring (Regions IV-XV, anchovy, jack mackerel, king mackerel and bycatch).
  • Pelagic Monitoring Center-South (V-XI Regions, anchovy, sardine, jack mackerel)
  • Demersal Monitoring (Regions IV-XII, hake, cod, kingklip).
  • Demersal crustaceans Monitoring (II-VIII Regions, shrimp, prawns and shrimp).
  • Benthic crustaceans Monitoring (X to XII Regions, crabs, king crab and snow crab)
  • Benthic Resources Monitoring (bivalves, tunicates, mollusks, and others).
  • Highly Migratory Resources Monitoring (tunas, swordfish, sharks).
  • Observers Scientific Program (ORP mackerel, bycatch, birds, mammals and reptiles).

Carlos Montenegro Silva (Head of Department)

Carlos_Montenegro_SilvaDoctor in Statistics (University of São Paulo , Brazil). Professional with vast experience in fisheries research , with extensive experience in fishery biology studies , stock assessment and statistical modeling. His main research concern : integrated assessment models stock , CPUE standardization , estimation of parameters of biological processes, state -space models , generalized mixed effects models , MCMC sampling methods and designs