Work Team

Updated: Tuesday October 3rd, 2023
October 3rd, 2023 IFOP

Patricia Zárate

Marine Biologist and Doctor in Zoology (University of Florida, USA), is a professional in the marine conservation area, with experience and expertise in projects formulation and execution and evaluation and population dynamics of highly migratory and threatened species, with emphasis on applied ecology in marine ecosystems and fisheries management. In his research she uses a combination of innovative analysis techniques such as stable isotopes, genetics and telemetry.
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Featured projects in which she participates

  • Monitoring of Highly Migratory Resources
  • Satellite Marking of Pelagic Sharks
  • Trophic Ecology and structure and genetic diversity of marine turtles
  • Physiology and structure and genetic diversity of sunfish Lampris guttatus

Relevant publications:

  • Zárate P, Bjorndal KA, Seminoff JA, Dutton PH and AB Bolten. 2015. Somatic growth rates of green turtles and hawksbills in the Galápagos Islands.
  • J Herpetol. Dutton PH, Jensen MP, Frey A, LaCasella E, Balazs GH, Zárate P, Chassin-Noria O, AL Sarti-Martinez and R Piedra. 2014. Population structure and phylogeography reveal pathways of colonization by a migratory marine reptile (Chelonia mydas) in the central and eastern Pacific based on analysis of mtDNA. Ecol Evol.
  • Zárate P, Bjorndal KA, Parra M, Dutton PH, Seminoff JA and AB Bolten. 2013. Hatching and emergence success of green turtle (Chelonia mydas) in the Galápagos Islands. Aquat Biol.
  • Roden SE, Morin PA, Frey A, Balazs GH, Zárate P, Cheng and PH Dutton. 2013. Carrión-Cortéz J, Zárate P and JA Seminoff. 2010. Feeding ecology of the green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas) in the Galápagos Islands. J Mar Biol Assoc UK.
  • Dutton PH, Balazs GH, LeRoux RA, Murakawa SKK, Zárate P and L Sarti. Seminoff JA, Zárate P, Coyne M, Foley DG, Parker D, Lyon BN† and PH Dutton. 2008. Post-nesting migrations of Galápagos green turtles Chelonia mydas in relation to oceanographic conditions: integrating satellite telemetry with remotely sensed ocean data. Endang Species Res.
