Highly Migratory Resources Follow up Project – Ecosystemic Approach

Updated: Monday July 8th, 2024
July 8th, 2024 IFOP

Shark and Sword fish marking

IFOP Institute for Fishing Promotion through its Scientific Observers and with the aim of industrial and artisan fishing sectors. Have been marking Sharks and Sword fish in the fisheries using fishing lines with hooks.

Between the years 2005 and 2016 they have marked:

56 mako shark specimens27 herring specimens
650 tile fish specimens372 sword fish specimens

Used markings

Spaguetti type marking installed on mako shark specimens

Spaguetti type marking installed on mako shark specimens.

The used markings called spaguetti since they look like a noodle. Are placed in sharks and other marine animals in order to learn about their movements. Each animal that is marked with a spaguetti has a known specie, size,gender and location. In this way when recaptured it is possible to know how far it has moved and in some occasions it is also possible to find out how much it grew.

You or someone in your staff may find one of the marked specimens that are swimming around our oceans and the oceans worldwide.

Spaguetti type marking

Spaguetti type marking


  • To save the complete specimen.
  • To call IFOP offices at this number: 56-322151500 or contacting this e mail patricia.zarate@ifop.cl
  • To fill out with OC the Marked Specimen Registry
  • To inform capture date and coordinates.

IFOP will pay the price of the complete specimen and will grant this price to all the involved staff.

In the case of only returning the mark you should give the following information:

  • Resource Name
  • Capture Date
  • Coordinates
  • Total Length of the specimen

IFOP won’t pay money for this marking but will give the prize to all the involved staff. In both cases the notification of the mark’s recovery will be published in media and news with a picture of the ship staff.

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Traveler shark goes from Chile to New Zealand
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2 mayo 2017
Caleta Portales Fishermen found a shark marked by IFOP project
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