Our History

Updated: Wednesday October 9th, 2019
October 9th, 2019 IFOP


The Fisheries Development Institute (IFOP) was established in 1964 by the Productions Development Corporation, CORFO, and the National Fisheries Society, as a project of international technical assistance in fisheries between the Government of Chile, the United Nations development Programme UNDP and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, FAO. At this stage Chile´s main national fisheries (anchovy, hake, shrimp, lobster and crab) began to develop and expand. In addition, benthic resources affected by the earthquakes of 1960 through programs and / or projects of oyster and mussel are recovered.


From its achievements, the Fisheries Development Institute is transformed into a public focused organization, taking a leading role in technological development led to protein consumption in Chile’s population, and since this new role, IFOP began to advise the Fisheries Sector Committee.


IFOPs leading public role, establishes the Institute as the fisheries public sector´s main research organization. It continues to develop research in Chile’s main fisheries and prospecting of potential resources, among which the Antarctic krill, southern hake, king crab, agujilla, are highlighted. IFOP also moves towards human consumption of seafood by encouraging the development of new process technologies for end-user productivity.


In a scenario in which fisheries have already been developed and require central management, both the Undersecretary of Fisheries (SUBPESCA) and the National Fisheries Service (Sernapesca) are created. IFOP begins to advise the authority on fisheries management. The enactment of the Fisheries Act promotes IFOP´s regionalization, strengthening Institutional presence in Chile´s main fishery and aquaculture oriented regions (Puerto Montt, Talcahuano, and Coquimbo).


The Fisheries Development Institute, is positioned as the research platform for advising SUBPESCA, based on permanent monitoring projects for fishery activity and acoustic biomass assessment, information that supports stock assessment processes that complement the estimation of Total Allowable Catches (TACs) for setting annual fishing quotas by species. Meanwhile, in the aquaculture sector, IFOP achieved a relevant position, by maintaining technological development research through its Division based in Puerto Montt and Coyhaique.


IFOP begins a process of upgrading its capacities, increasing the quality and reliability of management recommendations, not only based on the biology and dynamics of aquatic resources, but also based on the quality and health of the environment and in a short-term basis, its ecosystem approach explicitly includes man labor. Under a global approach, and according to FAO´s guidelines of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries, labor has been directed towards the creation of an institution capable of conducting and guiding relevant research of a highly dynamic sector, whose growth has demanded crossed research carried out in most economic sectors. In the field of aquaculture, IFOP generates key knowledge for the management and administration of the activity, actions that provide key background for precautionary environmental and health heritage areas in which this activity takes place and to regulate the coastline from a multifactorial perspective under an ecosystem approach.

2013 – 2016

New role of the Fisheries Development Institute (IFOP) is the scientific referent of the Law on Fisheries and Aquaculture is a very important for the institution milestone, as it establishes its position as the Institute concerning the national level, the information required to make decisions management of fisheries resources and aquaculture management. It is responsible for maintaining a permanent solution to the Undersecretary of Fisheries advice.
Currently the IFOP is developing research and monitoring of all fisheries keeping variations in biological indicators fish reproduction and behavior in their catch in fishing period.
Constantly perform parallel updates stock assessments, ie the inventory of each of the biomasses of the species that are in operation.
In aquaculture it is being generated information aimed at understanding diagnose and predict the potential environmental impact generated by this activity so that this is sustainable.


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