Our task
Sustainability and Ecosystem-based development are basic research advisory approaches historically executed by IFOP. The Institute first lead towards the promotion and development of an activity that did not exist in the country and today providing regulatory advisory for the sustainability of Chilean fisheries and aquaculture activities.
IFOP´s strategic role is based on the production, development and transferability of public knowledge, providing expert scientific advice to government officials in the fields of aquaculture and fisheries.
To achieve a sustainable economic development, our ecosystems reality versus the high demand of our marine resources require a balance. Global guidance focused on aquaculture and fisheries, aim at these objectives.
The need for knowledge is evident. Information is required in order to regulate the industry, protecting in the long term, these national assets, while safeguarding the resources of the entire nation, and allowing possibilities for sustainable development.
IFOP creates, develops and transfers knowledge of public value for aquaculture and fisheries aimed to conserve and/or preserve the key production base and to promote the country´s sustainable development.
IFOP´s crucial role is to support Authorities with scientific research to ensure a sustainable development among the stakeholders involved in the industry.
The production, development and transfer of public knowledge value are systematized in IFOP´s competitive advantages, displayed by its excellent research programs and cross action projects to solve problems identified along with Authorities and agents, both in the field of fisheries and aquaculture.