Work Team
Jorge Castillo Pizarro
Fisheries Engineer with great ability to lead multidisciplinary research projects. Specialist in implementing direct methods of assessment with hydroacoustic equipment and gear oriented to the study of fish behavior, estimates of abundance, spatial distribution, environment-resource relationships and the development of technological innovation projects.
RESUMEParticipation in relevant projects
- Hydroacoustic assessment of anchovy recruitment between the XV and II Regions.
- Hydroacoustic evaluation of recruiting anchovy and sardine between the V and X Regions.
- Hydroacoustic evaluation of anchovy recruitment between Regions III and IV.
- Hydroacoustic monitoring to optimize the process of feeding farmed salmonids in floating cages. (FONDEF D97I2020).
- Development of new functions for the hydroacoustic salmon feeder monitor in order to optimize the feeding process (FONDEF D00I1018).
Víctor Catasti Barraza
Fisheries Engineer, specialized in spatial distribution of fishery resources, information management and SIG hydroacoustic evaluations. ⇓ “resume”
José Córdova Masanes
Fisheries Engineer, whose work focuses on the evaluation of fishery resources utilizing direct evaluation methods, specializing in technical and hydroacoustic, with interest in statistical and inter-relationships topics between the environment and resources. ⇓ “resume”
Carolina Lang Abarzua
Fisheries Engineer, who is part of the Hydroacoustic research group based at IFOP (Instituto de Fomento Pesquero). Work team that is devoted to assess with hydroacoustic method the biomass and abundance of the most important Fisheries inshore and offshore zone of Chile. Read more
Her research is oriented to the study of the abundance, distribution and behavior of several species of Chile as pelagic and Demersal fisheries(Sprattus fueguensis, sardine, anchovy, jack mackerel, southern hake, southern blue whiting and hoki), through surveys that use acoustic and fishing systems as a sampling tool. Focused on manage, process and analyze hydroacoustic and biological data obtained in each research cruise; Mapping the distribution of the prospected resources with GIS and kriging, characterize and relate the fish distribution with abiotics and biotics factors (plankton, oceanographic data and prevailing conditions in the study areas) through modelling with linear, non-linear, and multivariate methods (GAM, GIS, GLM, point process and Geostatistics for spatial data analysis).
Preparation and Development of technical reports of Hydroacoustic assessment with special emphasis over the resource-environment relationship and characterization of school and dial behaviour of fish aggregations. These technical reports are required by the Chilean government and published in a website. The data presented, which are all freely available, are meant to support stock assessment and the development of sustainable ecosystem-based fisheries policies.
Extra Academic Training.
2017 “Placing Fisheries Recovery in the Ecosystem context” with the use of EwE: ECOPATH & ECOSIM. By Villy Christensen (UBC, Canadá) and Sergio Neira (UdeC, Chiel). Austral Summer Institute 2017. COPAS- UdeC. Concepción , Chile.
2016 “Curso Entrenamiento Método Producción de huevos” By G. Claramunt. Universidad Arturo Prat. Iquique, Chile.
2015 ICES Training Course: “Geostatistics to Analyse Spatially Explicit Survey Data in an Ecosystem Approach” By P. Petitgas (IFREMER), J. Rivoirard (Mines ParisTech), N. Bez (IRD), D. Renard (Mines ParisTech) and M. Woillez (IFREMER). Fontainebleau, France.
2014 Training Course: “Hydrodynamic models and GIS implementation,” By Jorge Pierini (Universidad Nacional del Sur, Argentina). Valparaiso, Chile.
2012 International Course: “Introduction to Atlantis Modelling: A Marine Ecosystem Model” By Dr. Elizabeth Fulton (CSIRO, Australia). Talcahuano, Chile.
2011 Postgraduate Course: Topics in Quantitative Ecology: Generalized Linear Models and Dynamics of structured populations. By Dr. Dominique Allaine and Dr. Emmanuel Desouhant. Université Claude Bernard Lyon, France. University of Chile, Santiago.
2010 Training Course: Fishery Resources Assessment using hydroacoustic methods. By Edwin Niklitschek. University of Concepción, Chile.
2008 Course: “Echoview Training”. Valparaiso. Chile
2007 Course: Geostatistics. IFOP, Chile
2007 International Course: “Acoustics Applied to fisheries” acoustics. IMR, Simrad and IIP. Talcahuano, Chile.
Fishery Technical Reports.
C. Lang. 2014. Spatial distribution of jack mackerel offshore Chile during the main spawning period. Objective 3 in Abundance and Distribution of jack mackerel eggs. Technical report required by INPESCA. Valparaíso, Chile.
Lillo, S., C. Lang, E. Molina, F. Cerna, A. López, L. Castro, L. Cubillos. 2014. Hydroacoustic assessment of southern sardine inland of Chile. Technical Report required by MINECOM. Instituto de Fomento Pesquero. Valparaíso, Chile.
Saavedra, A.,C. Lang, R. Céspedes, V. Ojeda, L. Adarme, E. Diaz, R. Vargas, R. Melendez. 2013. Hydroacoustic Assessment of spawning stock of southern blue whiting. Technical Report required by FIP-SUBPESCA (FIP 2012-08) Instituto de Fomento Pesquero. Valparaíso, Chile.
S.Lillo, E. Molina, R. Bahamonde, V. Ojeda, R. Céspedes, R. Meléndez, H. Hidalgo, L. Muñoz, C. Lang. 2011. Hydroacoustic Assessment of southern hake and hoki inland between X and XI regions of Chile. Technical Report required by FIP-SUBPESCA. Instituto de Fomento Pesquero. Valparaíso, Chile.
Castillo, J., A. Saavedra, F. Leiva, V. Catatsti, C. Lang, H. Reyes, M. Pizarro, F.Cerna,A. Lopez, B. Leiva y L. Herrera. 2011. Hydroacoustic assessment of anchovy between XV, I and II regions of Chile. Technical Report required by FIP-SUBPESCA (FIP 2010-03). Instituto de Fomento Pesquero. Valparaíso, Chile.
Córdova, J., C.Lang, C Hernández. 2010. Preliminar Report of Hydroacoustic assessment of jack mackerel between V and X Regions of Chile, año 2009. Technical Report required by FIP-SUBPESCA. Instituto de Fomento Pesquero. Valparaíso, Chile.
Castillo, J., A. Saavedra, C. Hernández, V. Catatsti, F. Leiva, C. Lang, J. Letelier, H. Reyes, M. Pizarro, G. Claramount y L. Herrera . 2009. Hydroacoustic assessment of anchovy between XV and IV Regions of Chile. Technical Report required by FIP-SUBPESCA (FIP 2008-02). Instituto de Fomento Pesquero. Valparaíso, Chile.
Castillo, J., M. San Martín, C. Lang, F. Leiva. 2009. Hydroacustic Assesment of anchovy and sardine between V and X Regions of Chile. Technical Report required by FIP-SUBPESCA. Instituto de Fomento Pesquero. Valparaíso, Chile.
Castillo, J., A. Saavedra, F. Leiva, C. Hernández. C. Lang, H. Reyes, M. Pizarro, F. Cerna, A. López, L. Herrera y G. Claramunt. 2007. Hydroacoustic assessment of anchovy between III y IV Region of Chile. Technical Report required by FIP-SUBPESCA (FIP 2005-26). Instituto de Fomento Pesquero. Valparaíso, Chile
Workshop and Seminars.
2016 ICES Annual Science Conference. Presentation in Session Fisher Collected Acoustic Data. “Variation of relative abundance and spatial distribution of jack mackerel offshore in the south central of Chile”. Authors: Carolina Lang and Javier Legua. Riga Letonia.
2016 Taller Binacional Chile-Perú: Estandarización de Métodos Acústicos para el Monitoreo y Evaluación del stock compartido de anchoveta en el sur de Perú y norte de Chile. Presentación “Índices espaciales: Distribución de anchoveta entre la XV- IV región de Chile”. Lima, Perú.
2016 ”Taller Calibración de ecosondas con énfasis en frecuencias de 38 y 120 kHz a bordo de buques pesqueros”. Lima, Perú.
2015 IEEE/OES Acoustics in Underwater Geosciences Symposium (RIO Acoustics). Presentation “Modelled Day-Night Biases in spatial structure of jack mackerel (Trachurus murphyi) in Chile”. Authors: Jorge Paramo, Carolina Lang and Sergio Lillo. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
2015 ICES Symposium on Marine Ecosystem Acoustics. Presentation in Symposium: “Fishing Vessels as scientific platforms: Indicators and Protocols for an Ecosystem approach to Pelagic Fisheries”. Authors: Francois Gerlotto, Carolina Lang, Salvador Peraltilla, Mariano Gutiérrez, Frederic Mosca and Pedro Trillo. Nantes, France.
2014 IREA International Workshop: “Fishing Vessels as Scientific Platforms: Indicators and Protocols for an Ecosystem Approach To Pelagic Fisheries”. Presentation in workshop: “Use of Fishing Vessels for supporting and research for management of fisheries in Chile”. Authors: Carolina Lang, Jorge Castillo and Sergio Lillo. (Orator underlined). Lima, Perú.
2012 International Workshop: “Chilean Hoki data Review (CHODAR) meeting 2011”.
2012 Symposio: “Towards an Ecosystem Approach to Management: A road ahead”. Relator: PhD. Rick Fletcher, Director Research, Department of Fisheries in Western Australia (WA).
2011 Workshop: Introduction and National Intersectoral Committee of the GEF Project: “Towards an Ecosystem Approach to Management of large Marine Ecosystem Humboldt Current”.
2011 Symposio: “Application of an Ecosystem Approach in Fisheries Management “. Relator: Peter Gullestad, Director of the Norwegian Directorate of Fisheries.
2011 Workshop: Results Presentation of the project “Hydroacoustic Assesment of southern hake and hoki in the inland waters between X and XI regions of Chile”.
2011 Workshop: Results Presentation of the project “Hydroacoustic Assesment of anchovy and sardine between V and X regions of Chile”.
2009 Symposio: In situ target strength methods. Relator: Michael Soule (Fisheries Resource Surveys, South Africa).
2009 Workshop: Results Presentation of the project “Hydroacoustic Assesment of spawning stock of southern blue whiting inshore of South of Chile”.
2007 Workshop: Results presentation of the Project “Condición Biológica de jurel en Alta mar”. INPESCA, Talcahuano.
2006 Workshop: Results presentation of the project “Hydroacoustic Assesment of Jack mackerel between V-X regions of Chile”. IFOP.
2005 Jack Mackerel´s Workshop: IFOP and SUBPESCA.
Bernardo Leiva Pérez
Fisheries Engineer focused on researching components of hydroacoustic assessment in major pelagic and demersal fisheries. ⇓ “resume”
Francisco Leiva Dietz
Fisheries Engineer dedicated to the collection and processing of data from hydroacoustic cruises and small pelagic TS information, also dedicated to seashore bias analysis, mapping of resource distribution and installation and calibration of equipment. ⇓ “resume”
Esteban Molina Guerrero
Marine Biologist and Bachelor in Marine Biology, whose research focuses both on direct resource assessment and the analysis of biological-fishing information. Other researches include fisheries ecology of demersal species and their intra and interspecific relationships. ⇓
Álvaro Saavedra Godoy
Fisheries Engineer whose work focuses on estimates of abundance and resource biomass through hydroacoustic assessment methods oriented to fisheries management. ⇓ “resume”
Manuel Rojas García
Marine Technician responsible for the coordination and preparation of materials for hydroacoustic assessment cruises, also responsible for the collection of biological information from fisheries acoustic cruises. ⇓ “resume”