4 January, 2017

IFOP Workshop: Hydrodynamic Modeling, applications in Aquaculture

January 6th, 2017 Periodista Gabriela.Gutiérrez

Next Monday, January 23rd, between 9 and 13:30 in the convention room of the Rey don Felipe Hotel in Punta Arenas, a workshop organized by the Physical Oceanography group of IFOP Castro will be held.

These are four talks directed to the specialized community (at national and especially local level) of the work that the Physical Oceanography group of Castro has been carrying out in the field of support hydrodynamic modeling of salmon aquaculture. Three of these talks will be given by professionals from IFOP Castro and will address the following topics:

  1. Development and prospects of the hydrodynamic modeling line of IFOP Castro;

  2. an operational model for southern Chile;

  3. Connectivity applied to dispersions of pathogens in the inland seas of southern Chile.

The workshop will also be attended by Dr. Thomas Adams of the Scottish Association for Marine Science (http://www.sams.ac.uk/tom-adams), who will speak about his research on numerical modeling and methodologies on connectivity under a sanitary approach in the spreading of infectious agents of influence in the salmon culture of Scotland (sea lice – caligus).

Limited capacity

If you wish to attend, please contact

Pablo Reche, researcher of Instituto de Fomento Pesquero


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