IFOP ‘s Chonos starting web page is updated
7 June, 2021

IFOP ‘s Chonos starting web page is updated

June 11th, 2021 Periodista Gabriela.Gutiérrez

CHONOS (chonos.ifop.cl), Fishing Development Institute starting web page, since 2018 hostsoceanographic information system of Chilean Patagonia, publishes a new updated version of CLIC (http://chonos.ifop.cl/clic2/index/).

CLIC is a Lagrangian connectivity web application that, through numerical modeling, quantifies particles transport in their drift with ocean currents between different areas. CLIC includes a variety of environmental dispersion scenarios and types of particles in order to cover main environmental and production issues in which it is relevant to quantify particles transport through marine currents. Thanks to IBM (Individual Based Modeling) numerical modeling used in CLIC, particles (depending on their nature) respond to environmental variables that control processes such as larval maturation, mortality, vertical migrations, etc. Currently, particles such as Caligus rogercresseyi (salmon farming parasite), ISA virus (salmon farming parasite) and Mytilus chilensis (mussel larvae) are available, to which new environmental scenarios and types of particles (biological and inert) will be added.

CLIC new version improves its navigation interface, simpler and more intuitive, facilitating the user both selection of more and new environmental scenarios and types of particles, as well as the visualization and interpretation of the connectivity results.

Pablo Reche, IFOP researcher in Putemún, “ CLIC updated new version will significantly increase the number of new connectivity studies which, together with a more intuitive interface, we hope will serve to facilitate and increase knowledge of Patagonia seas at sustainable development and conservation of the environment service”.

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