3 May, 2021

Why are turtles, fish, and sharks tagged?

May 13th, 2021 Mario Loyola

This process is essential to investigate species life cycle such as swordfish, sharks and sea turtles. Once species has been tagged, information on its movement and growth can be obtained. There are different types of brands, among which satellite and conventional ones stand out.
Between Arica and Lebu, 4 species of sea turtles have been recorded, all threatened with extinction.
Did you know?
A Bluebird Shark was tagged and released about 60 km off the coast of Salinas de Pullally in Valparaíso, Chile. 415 days after his tagging, he was recaptured and released in New Zealand. In that period, the shark grew 50 cm and traveled about 8,200 km.

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