Binational program for Humboldt Current Great Marine Ecosystem sustainable management will be launched by Peru and Chile
7 November, 2017

Binational program for Humboldt Current Great Marine Ecosystem sustainable management will be launched by Peru and Chile

November 9th, 2017 Periodista Gabriela.Gutiérrez

Representatives from Peru and Chile reviewed the initial version of framework results expected to be achieved in order to implement the binational program that seeks to ensure sustainable use of shared living marine resources among both countries.

Lima. After several months of workshops and consultations, this morning representatives of various official institutions from Peru and Chile reviewed the initial version of expected results’s framework for phase of the Strategic Action Program implementation. In the long term, this program will seek to ensure sustainable use of living marine resources shared between both countries in Humboldt Current Great Marine Ecosystem.

The Strategic Action Program document was one of the main advances of the first phase of “Towards a management with an ecosystemic approach of the Humboldt Current”, project implemented between 2011 and 2016 by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) with funding from the Global Environment Facility (GEF).

During this workshop, held on October 24 and 25, a series of operation mechanisms and joint work were also outlined for the next phase of the project, which has the official name of “Catalyzing the Implementation of a Strategic Action Program for Sustainable Management of Living Shared Marine Resources in the Humboldt Current System ”

This project design process has been led by UNDP Chile in coordination with UNDP Peru together with the national partners from both countries: Ministry of Production, Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Peruvian Sea Institute and the National Service of Natural State Protected Areas from Peru; and the Undersecretariat of Fisheries and Aquaculture, Environment Ministry, Foreign Affairs Ministry, Fisheries Development Institute and the National Fisheries and Aquaculture Service of Chile.

In this way, interventions of this 2018-2023 phase will promote an integrated management that reduces current human pressures in Peru and Chile’s marine and coastal ecosystems, increases its resilience facing climatic change and will generate productive opportunities for both countries economies

It is worth mentioning that this ecosystem resources, generators of 20% of the world’s fisheries and initially valued in 2014 by the Humboldt project in 19 billion dollars per year, can be significantly higher in the future if certain uncertainties linked to the future scenarios regarding climatic change become solved.

This binational strategy is aligned in a global context that recognizes oceans as a key element to promote sustainable development and will be a topic of great importance in the forthcoming negotiations to be held at the COP23 of Fiji in Bonn.

Source: news and photography

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