IFOP researchers set sail to Arica for quantifying Jack mackerel biomass
9 March, 2017

IFOP researchers set sail to Arica for quantifying Jack mackerel biomass

March 14th, 2017 Periodista Gabriela.Gutiérrez

Vessel “Cabo de Hornos”

The study area considers the evaluation of the resource between Arica (18˚ 25’LS) and south of Valparaíso (33˚ 30 ‘LS); from 1 to 100 miles from the coast.

A team of 25 professionals from the Instituto de Fomento Pesquero (IFOP) embarked on March 9 at the port of Valparaíso (Valparaíso Region). To quantify the Jack mackerel biomass between Arica – Parinacota and Valparaíso regions using the hydroacoustic method.
For the study accomplishment, will be used the ship AGS-61 “Cabo de Hornos” owned by the Chilean Navy and R/V “Abate Molina” of Subsecretaría de Pesca y Acuicultura, which is managed by the Instituto de Fomento Pesquero.

The project leader is the fishing engineer José Córdova and the captain of vessel Abate Molina is Ivan Giakoni. The research cruise will have a total duration of 42 days (Cabo de Hornos: 6 days from 9 to 14 March and “Abate Molina”: 36 days from 15 March to 19 April).

The specific objectives of the study are to estimate the abundance (in number) and biomass (by weight) of Jack mackerel; size, weight, age and sex ratio of Jack mackerel stock in the area and study period; determine the composition of the main food items of Jack mackerel; the spatial and bathymetric status of Jack mackerel and the distribution of zooplankton, its relation to oceanographic conditions; determine the accompanying fauna and its relative importance in identification links.

Once the cruise is over, a progress document will be issued, which will include the preliminary results of the estimated biomass for Jack mackerel, as well as its distribution card in the study area.

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