Experts from Chile and Argentina meet to know the state of the Patagonian red octopus
9 March, 2017

Experts from Chile and Argentina meet to know the state of the Patagonian red octopus

March 14th, 2017 Periodista Gabriela.Gutiérrez

On 7 and 8 March at the Diego de Almagro Hotel, experts from Chile and Argentina met to exchange knowledge of different areas (fishing, growth, reproduction, management) of the southern octopus resource Enteroctopus megalocyathus,
The meeting was attended by IFOP professionals, Researchers from Universidad Arturo Prat, Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Universidad Austral de Chile, ECOS Consultant, Argentinean professionals from the National Patagonian Center (CENPAT), Subsecretaría de Pesca, Benthic Scientific Committee and Octopus management Committee (Region X).

This initiative was the result of the joint effort of the IFOP researchers working in benthic fisheries and leading the projects of Benthic Fisheries (Nancy Barahona Toledo), Management Areas (Luis Ariz), Management Plans (Carlos Techeira) and FIP project led by the researcher of the Universidad Austral de Chile, Carlos Molinet.

The workshop consisted of three blocks of analysis and discussion, the first one related to the existing fishery and biological knowledge, moderated by Carlos Molinet, where topics related to the southern octopus fishery in Chile were discussed, a review of octopus fisheries, biological aspects in fishing areas of North Atlantic Patagonia, reproductive aspects of the resource in the South Pacific, and advances in the cultivation of paralarvae and juveniles, to finish with the knowledge of the resource associated with growth. The different papers were presented by researchers from IFOP, CENPAT (Argentina) and UACH (Puerto Montt).

The second block made up of aspects associated with Fishing Management was moderated by the IFOP professional, Carlos Techeira. Issues related to the current regulations, the progress of the Management Committee and management indicators were discussed.
Finally, the third block was oriented to the evaluation of stock; the activity was moderated by Doctor Cristian Canales of the Universidad Católica de Valparaiso. This block consisted of a working panel for the purpose of methodological standardization to carry out direct evaluations in AMERB, ending with an analysis of the limitations and advances in the stock assessments of these resources.

Simón Díaz, leader of the artisanal fishing of Calbuco, shellfish diver and member of the Octopus Management Committee in the X Region of Los Lagos, said “this workshop has seemed very interesting to me, based on the discussion that is being generated today regarding the extraction and fishing of the octopus itself, we are receiving information that is complemented by what we already handle of the resource, the fishermen know the octopus very well, how it lives, how it moves; during the workshop, the logic of listening with respect and participation my opinion as an artisanal fisherman is present, we have a lot to say about the resource, and in this way, we feel as included.”

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