IFOP will be using artificial intelligence in order to optimize fisheries research through fish images  identification and classification
2 December, 2020

IFOP will be using artificial intelligence in order to optimize fisheries research through fish images identification and classification

December 2nd, 2020 Periodista Gabriela.Gutiérrez

A modern system, based on artificial intelligence and implemented by Fisheries Development Institute, has successfully passed its pilot phase and is expected to enter a trial period during 2021.
This pilot system successfully identified and classified more than 80% of commercially important fish images that were entered into the Artificial Intelligence system.

Jorge Cornejo, Marine Sciences PhD and project manager, mentioned that “based on this achievement, it is expected to create an automatic fishing registration program. This program will use images obtained during fishing and unloading operations of main fisheries in southern central zone of the country. Given the large amount of image information that is obtained in each fishing operation and the number of fishing vessels in Chile, the proposed program helps to improve analysis and effective information use for research. In this way, the pilot program has managed to classify target fishery species and in the future it is expected to incorporate accompanying fauna classification. This will make it possible to modernize sampling and data collection management for fisheries monitoring studies ”.

This Project was carried out for a year, and is part of the performance agreements that IFOP has with CORFO, Production and Promotion Corporation. IFOP workers Jorge Cornejo (head of IFOP Talcahuano), Judith Castillo, Guillermo Bendel, Aldo Poblete and Enrique Fernández, external advisor on artificial intelligence, participated in the project.

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