International “Management of Aquatic Resources with an Ecosystemic Approach” Seminar was inaugurated today
December 2nd, 2020It is carried out via zoom and is transmitted simultaneously through Marine Sciences Chilean Society Facebook Live,. The event brings together prominent panelists from the national and world science academy, who will present on how to It is making progress in the management of aquatic resources, with an ecosystemic approach.
This Tuesday, December 1rst, International Seminar “Ecosystemic Approach Aquatic Resources Management : Advances, gaps and collaboration” was inaugurated, organized by Chilean Marine Sciences Society (SCHCM) and Chilean Fisheries Development Institute (IFOP).
The activity began with a Welcome Greeting from Fisheries Development Institute Director Luis Parot Donoso who appreciated the participation in the seminar and explained “this is a challenge that reflects concern for the environment, for the sustainability of the planet, of the ecosystems of life that exist in it. Which reflects a tremendous challenge for fisheries managers to find those tools that capture this ecosystem reality, but which is applied in practical terms to fisheries exploitation in each of our countries, the challenge is to do it now, not only taking care of human being interests, economic activity, social activity, entrepreneurship, but also doing it taking care of the ecosystem in which this resource must exist ”.
The Chilean Marine Sciences Society president Marcelo Oliva explained “For a long time, we have been concerned about the need to generate scientific bases that allow us, as a Country, to face challenges involved in moving from an exploitation model, management and administration of resources based on mono models specific to management based on an ecosystemic approach, an explicit mandate in Fisheries and Aquaculture General Law .
Thus, and during the XXX Congress of Marine Sciences (May 2010, Concepción), the Workshop ” Ecosystemic approach in marine resources management” was held. In this first initiative, six presentations and an extensive round table were developed. Subsequently and during the XXXVII Marine Sciences Congress, held in Valparaíso in May 2017, the Symposium “ Aquatic resources with an ecosystemic approach research and management ” was held, an initiative of Doctors Eleuterio Yáñez (PUCV) and Dr. Luis Cubillos (UdeC), who on behalf of the Chilean Society of Marine Sciences (SCHCM) jointly with Fisheries and Aquaculture Research Council (CIPA) and Fisheries Development Institute (IFOP), convened a group of leading scientists who , based on their experience as researchers, from a multidisciplinary point of view, allowed to highlight research and management with an ecosystem approach in Chile, identifying gaps and challenges
From that date until now, there have been important legal changes and new knowledge has emerged that warrant re-examining the situation and proposing various alternatives with a scientific and technological perspective that will support decision-making. In this sense, the Chilean Marine Sciences Society and Fisheries Development Institute are organizing the Symposium, which will update the state of knowledge on the matter, thus providing new information to consider in decision-making ”.
At the inauguration, Dr. José Aguilar Manjarrez, Fisheries and Aquaculture Officer, FAO Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean, participated with Management with an ecosystemic approach in aquaculture: a global vision, The presentation is developed on the basis for a critical examination of the use and integration of the Ecosystemic Approach to Aquaculture (EEA) and its possible evolution in the next decade. In addition, lessons learned from EEA experiences, opportunities and links between the Ecosystemic Approach to Aquaculture and the sustainable development agenda are highlighted. During the presentation, emphasis is placed on the spatial planning that has been developed as part of the EEA implementation efforts and the close links between this approach and initiatives such as “Blue Growth”, which constitute significant opportunities for the future of the approach. although their ability to address increasingly complex governance problems may be limited. Finally, it is deemed appropriate to reconsider the rationale behind the Aquaculture Ecosystemic Approach, taking into account ongoing developments within and outside the aquaculture sector.
Finally, the Director of the Chilean Marine Sciences Society and academic from tUniversidad de Magallanes, PhD. Claudia Andrade “extends the invitation to all the public, to participate in the transmissions of the international seminar, and makes a call to future generations of marine biologists and marine science researchers, as well as the members of the Marine Sciences Chilean Society, to become familiar with this issue, so that there is greater cooperation from all sectors to carry out the ecosystemic approach strategy, which promotes the conservation and equitable sustainable use of aquatic resources “
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