Cooperation agreement was signed by Fisheries Development Institute and Directemar
25 November, 2020

Cooperation agreement was signed by Fisheries Development Institute and Directemar

November 29th, 2020 Mario Loyola

On November 25th, 2020, Fisheries Development Institute (IFOP) and Maritime Territory and Merchant Marine General Directorate (Directemar) formalized an historic link between both institutions by signing a framework agreement for scientific technical cooperation. This agreement establishes general collaboration basis between DIRECTEMAR and IFOP, in research, extension, education and training.

Dr. Jaime Letelier Pino, Head of IFOP’s Oceanography and Environment Department, explained “as a first collaborative action, a specific cooperation extension was signed in “ interoperable Information System implementation, which systematizes and integrates fishing data , aquaculture and climatic change “FAO execution project and implementation carried out by IFOP within the framework of a GEF-FAO national project, mandated by SUBPESCA and Environment Ministry” Strengthening adaptation capacity in Chilean fishing and aquaculture sector to climatic change”.

For VA Ignacio Mardones Costa Maritime Territory and Merchant Marine General Director , signing this agreement, “not only endorses an historic alliance between both organizations, but also allows future capabilities to increase, by generating interaction in those shared competence matters , allowing experiences exchange, useful information for a better functions fulfillment ”

Some agreement activities to be carried out are:
Algunas actividades a realizar en el convenio son:

a) Research, training, extension;
b) Joint publications Generation;
c) Experts Exchange through talks, courses, seminars and boarding;
d) Mutual information and data reporting exchange ;
e) Feasibility of boarding staff dependent on DIRECTEMAR, on research cruises organized by IFOP.
f) Cooperation for water samples collection oor other measurements of interest of Maritime Authority, considering IFOP developed projects research.
g) Water samples and biological species laboratory analysis , according to DIRECTEMAR requirements.
h) DIRECTEMAR staff Training in environmental and climatic change issues (mathematical modeling).
h) Capacitación para el personal de DIRECTEMAR en temáticas ambientales y de cambio climático (modelamiento matemático).
i) Maritime Authority support feasibility by mutual agreement between parties, to carry out operational and shipping activities for anchorages or taking samples acquired by IFOP.
j) Other related contributions, such as experiences exchange in anchoring buoys or installation of environmental sensors in instruments owned by DIRECTEMAR or vice versa.

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