IFOP held  “Multivariate Analysis for Biology, Ecology and Sciences” workshop
25 September, 2018

IFOP held “Multivariate Analysis for Biology, Ecology and Sciences” workshop

September 30th, 2018 Periodista Gabriela.Gutiérrez

Between September 3rd and 14th in Aysén, the course “Multivariate Analysis for Biology, Ecology and Science” was organized by IFOP, dictated by Dr. Juan José Cruz Motta, professor of biostatistics and experimental design at the University of Puerto Rico. , within the framework of training activities committed in the Program “Transfer Improvement of the Monitoring of the FAN in the XI Region” executed by IFOP, financed by the Regional Government of Aysén and part of the Special Extreme Zone Development Plan (PEDZE) .

Hernán Padilla, IFOP’s Aysén base head, explained “for us as IFOP it is a great achievement that this technical advice has been carried out in the region, this facilitated, in addition to the training of our researchers, professionals participation from other institutions with a regional presence. , such as the Zonal Directorate of Fisheries and Aquaculture and Aysén Health SEREMI (Ministerial Secretariat). The course supported by the Regional Government is undoubtedly an important milestone in strengthening the technical and professional capacities of the region

The topics dealt with were theoretical concepts on multivariate statistical analysis to evaluate biological and environmental interest data on the participants part. It also included treatment, preparation and order of data for use in routines for various multivariate statistical analyzes.

The tests of the PRIMER statistical package (Plymouth Routines in Multivariate Ecological Research) were carried out in its new version 7. “

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