IFOP embraces important cruise on Chiloé inland sea ​​
30 August, 2017

IFOP embraces important cruise on Chiloé inland sea ​​

August 31st, 2017 Periodista Gabriela.Gutiérrez

This is the High Resolution Modeling Project applied to hydrodynamic transport in Chiloé inland sea ​​, Los Lagos Xth region,it lasted for 11 days and was carried out by staff which belongs to the Putemún, Castro Base, from IFOP Environment Department .

Patricio Salas IFOP researcher referred to the overall objective of the project is to “Implement and develop a high resolution hydrodynamic model, usable in connection and transport estimates between nearby areas (crop centers), coupled with biogeochemical information, in Chiloé Inland Sea, X region “.

With respect to the specific objectives Salas added that they will: “Characterize defined area circulation, using Eulerian and Lagrangian correntometry, sea level and meteorological records. To perform a biogeochemical characterization through observations of temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, nutrients and phytoplankton biomass, which allow to relate the state of the chemical-biological conditions, with the hydrodynamics of the system. To implement a hydrodynamic model of high resolution in order to generate a tool that allows to estimate the capacity of the transport of the system “.

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