IFOP in the Blue BOAT Initiative project, a global milestone in the conservation of cetaceans
18 October, 2022

IFOP in the Blue BOAT Initiative project, a global milestone in the conservation of cetaceans

August 8th, 2024 Periodista Gabriela.Gutiérrez

The initiative aims to protect cetaceans, with the first intelligent buoy installation by means of an acoustic signal, will warn vessels of the presence of whales. This buoy and those that will follow it will also contribute to oceanographic and meteorological data collection for Climatic Change impact on chilean coast, reducing public oceanographic data gap that has characterized the eastern South Pacific.

Dr. Carlos Montenegro Fisheries Development Institute (IFOP),Fisheries Research Division’s Head and Oceanography and Environment Department head of the of the same Institute, Dr. Jaime Letelier Pino both participated in the first buoy of “The Blue BOAT Initiative”project ‘s ceremony and installation carried out in Castro city of on October 13th, 2022. IFOP researchers were invited by the president of Meri Foundation, Francisca Cortés Solari, Dr. Sonia Español-Jiménez,“ Blue BOAT Initiative” executive director and Patricia Morales Errázuriz, General Manager

Attending this ceremony were Science’s Minister Dr. Silvia Díaz Acosta ,Dr. Maisa Rojas Environment Ministery and former Environment Minister Marcelo Mena, as well as Senator Ricardo Lagos Weber and former Senator Guido Girardi, as also Quellón’s Mayor, Cristian Ojeda Chiguay, regional presidential delegates, representatives of the Chilean Navy such as Admiral Juan Guajardo among other authorities, national and international press.

In this ceremony, Dr. Letelier was invited to give a talk called “Oceanographic challenges of Chile”, where he highlighted human and technological challenge of working at sea and the women’s primary role in oceanography, as well as the importance data distribution and collaborative scientific research based on trust. In addition, he highlighted IFOP’s work as a conservation of hydrobiological resources and national ecosystems for the sustainable development of fishing and aquaculture activities research center.

Dr. Montenegro pointed out: “This is an example of a cutting-edge research initiative with a long-term vision and an ecosystemic approach, in which government’s institutions collaborative work , philanthropy, science and NGOs allows the development of applied research programs synergies aimed at meeting sustainability and sustainability of socio-ecological systems challenges ”.

This smart buoy marks a global milestone in cetaceans conservation as it will warn nearby vessels of the presence of whales, significantly reducing these cetaceans interactions with fishing operations and maritime transport. In addition, this buoy and those that will follow it will contribute to oceanographic and meteorological data collection for impact of Climatic Change on Chilean coast research, reducing the gap in public oceanographic data that has characterized the eastern South Pacific.

Oceanographic and meteorological data will be available through the IFOP Climatic Change Observation system for national fisheries and marine ecosystems, as well as through the Multinational System for the Observation and Prediction of Climatic Change for resilient fisheries of the large ecosystem of the Humboldt Current (S.A.P.O). These systems are part of a multinational collaboration between Peru Sea Institute (IMARPE), Ecuador Aquaculture and Fisheries Public Research Institute as well as IFOP from Chile, coordinated by the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) and its representative in Chile. MSc Sergio Palma.

In this regard, Mr. Palma stated “that these collaborative actions based on trust and information exchange lay the solid foundations for ocean observation systems at the national and international levels, to strengthen decision-making at different levels and the growth of scientific research globally.


Iniciativa Blue Boat: https://theblueboatinitiative.org/


IFOP Climatic Change Observation system for national fisheries and marine ecosystems : https://www.ifop.cl/red-de-monitoreo-cambio-climatico/




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