IFOP develops fishery assessment workshop in Aysén
22 November, 2016

IFOP develops fishery assessment workshop in Aysén

November 25th, 2016 Periodista Gabriela.Gutiérrez

On 16 November, at Casa de la Cultura of Puerto Aysén, the Instituto de Fomento Pesquero organized a fishery assessment workshop, which was prepared under the Regional Fisheries Strategic Program. Presentations were in charge of researchers from Research Division of IFOP, Juan Carlos Quiroz, Liu Chong, Antonio Aranís and Claudio Bernal.
During the day, methodological aspects used in the evaluation of a fishing stock, and results of the South Southern Demersal and Deepwater Fisheries Monitoring, South Central Pelagic Fisheries Monitoring, and Incidental Fishery Disposal and Research Program were discussed. The diffusion of this information was appreciated and valued by all the participants, who interacted actively with the researchers, and also expressed the need to carry out this type of workshops more frequently in the region.

Participants included representatives from the Center for Research in Ecosystems of Patagonia (CIEP), Interdisciplinary Center for Aquaculture Research (INCAR), University of Concepcion, CORFO, GEAM Chile, Servicio Nacional de Pesca (Sernapesca), Center for Fisheries Studies (CEPES,) Artisanal Fishing and Regional Government representatives.

In this regard, Hernán Padilla, Head of IFOP Aysén Base, stated “the importance of the research carried out by the Institute for many years in the area, which gives rise to the scientific and technical high value background for the decision making of the fishing institutions, getting to known in detail by all the users of the fishery and the community in general. He also announced that researchers from the Aquaculture Research Division of the IFOP will hold a second workshop in Aysén, which will address another sensitive and relevant issue for the community, such as harmful algal blooms, commonly known as red tide.

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