IFOP Coquimbo participates in CONICYT EXPLORA Program Year of the Oceans
16 November, 2017

IFOP Coquimbo participates in CONICYT EXPLORA Program Year of the Oceans

November 20th, 2017 Periodista Gabriela.Gutiérrez

During the month of October, the Fisheries Development Institute (IFOP) developed a series of activities in Coquimbo region within the Year of the Oceans of the CONICYT EXPLORA Program framework ; This Program is characterized by bringing science closer to the local community, particularly to schools so that children can understand scientific language, in a didactic and entertaining way and do not see science as something unattainable.

Among various activities carried out in the region, in which IFOP participated, we can mention: Stand in Scientific Fairs in Coquimbo and in the Plaza de Armas of La Serena, later participation in the Second Ecoferia of Science, Technology and Innovation in the school Dalmatia of the city of Ovalle.

In addition, IFOP opened its doors in Coquimbo to receive the visit of 25 3rd grade students from Helen Keller school from la Serena, an opportunity in which the children shared with IFOP workers, they received an entertaining and educational talk about IFOP’s work in the region and its contribution to fishery resources conservation, then in a practical way they were shown how the information is taken from resources under study, leaving them pleasantly impressed and showing a great interest to know more about our fishing resources. At the end of the visit, the children received memories from the researchers who received them.

Denise Bore, IFOP Zonal Atacama-Coquimbo Chief explained “all these activities are intended to raise awareness about IFOP ‘s work to the community and thus strengthening its presence in Coquimbo region and to sensitize the community on the need for conservation thereof”. He also highlighted the high level of enthusiasm and commitment of all the workers of Coquimbo headquarters for participating in activities related to the environment and that involve showing the work that IFOP does for our marine resources “

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