IFOP attends Latin American Course in Multivariate Data Analysis for Biology, Ecology and Environmental Sciences using PRIMER
11 August, 2017

IFOP attends Latin American Course in Multivariate Data Analysis for Biology, Ecology and Environmental Sciences using PRIMER

August 16th, 2017 Periodista Gabriela.Gutiérrez

PRIMER (Plymouth Routines in Multivariate Ecological Research) It is a statistical software widely used by scientists

Between July 24 and August 4, at the Yucatán Technological Science Park, Sierra Papacal, Mexico, researchers from the Institute of Fisheries Promotion (IFOP), Oscar Espinoza, Jordina Iglesias, Rodrigo Rojas and Sergi Martínez participated in the multivariate data analysis for biology, ecology and environmental sciences course using Primer V.7 & Permanova add on. This course was dictated by doctors Edlin Guerra Castro and Juan J. Cruz Motta

Jordina Iglesias IFOP’s Researcher explained “The statistical software PRIMER (Plymouth Routines in Multivariate Ecological Research) in its new version 7 is a program whose tools have been quoted more than 11800 times in articles indexed in the SCI; Mainly in aquatic studies (for which it was created), but has been applied in studies of terrestrial ecology, paleontology, microbiology, genetics, ecotoxicology, epidemiology, sociology, among others.

Rodrigo Rojas, also IFOP researcher, participated in the activity. “It was a very intense course and had an excellent academic and professional level. It was a good opportunity to exchange ideas with professionals from Mexico, Venezuela, Colombia and Chile.

The teachers showed the great versatility of the software to address different issues related mainly to the ecology of the marine environment. Personally I was able to deepen my knowledge of multivariate statistics to get the most out of the analyzes included in Primer, this was achieved by having theoretical and practical classes where we analyzed, with the guidance of Dr. Edlin, problems of example and personal data “

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