Survey seeks to find out  Covid-19 impact  on national aquaculture and fishing industry
6 May, 2020

Survey seeks to find out Covid-19 impact on national aquaculture and fishing industry

May 10th, 2020 Periodista Gabriela.Gutiérrez

Data will be collected during this and next week.

Fishing Development Institute (IFOP), is collecting information about the effects that COVID-19 has caused in work and market environment, in local companies. This information will be available to Fisheries and Aquaculture Undersecretariat (SSPA), within the framework of the authority required knowledge in order to handle in the best way sectoral public policies.

“IFOP permanently monitors the sector productive performance as a whole . On this occasion, in the context of current health emergency that the country and the world are experiencing, we seek to compile data about the effect that COVID-19 pandemic has had on local business. We do it through an online survey, focusing the investigation on cultivating companies and on fishing plants, between the two they add up to more than 800 companies ”, explained to AQUA Johanna Rojas Rojo IFOP Economics Section researcher in charge of corporate communications .

–Along with stressing out that data will be collected during the present and next week, Johanna Rojas said that answering the survey takes less than 15 minutes. To facilitate its response, the survey has been sent in two formats (online and Word). Those companies, especially MSMEs and SMEs that together are 70%, who have not received the survey, are urged to contact the person in charge at, and / or at cell +56 9 8259 8604).

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