Abate Molina ship set sail for anchovy and common sardine research
7 May, 2020

Abate Molina ship set sail for anchovy and common sardine research

December 13th, 2022 Periodista Gabriela.Gutiérrez

On Wednesday May 6th with a crew of 28 people, Fisheries Development Institute Abate Molina Scientific vessel sailed off Valparaíso’s Port to assess and characterize anchovy and common sardine stock resources present between the regions of Valparaíso and Los Lagos, through hydroacoustic method, during the period of maximum recruitment and immediate autumn.

In this scientific journey, Enrique Quiero as ship captain and fishing engineer Álvaro Saavedra as the cruise’s head.

Luis Parot Donoso, IFOP executive director, explained “for 31 days our professionals will evaluate sardines and anchovies recruitment between the regions of Valparaíso and Los Lagos, it is a very intense cruise that investigates resources situation specially those that are very important from an economic point of view for artisanal and industrial fishing ”.

Regarding Covid 19 pandemic, Parot added “strict health safety protocols and crew’s and researchers commitment make it possible to continue working”

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