Dr. Jaime Letelier from IFOP, participates in “The ocean under threat urgency of protecting its ecosystemic services” panel
November 6th, 2022
Dr. Jaime Letelier, Oceanography and Environment Department’s Head , participated as an expert at “The ocean under threat. Urgency of protecting its ecosystemic services” panel: at the “ IPCC and Climatic Change IV Regional Conference, NovoPangea Latin America: United for Climatic Change”, which was held online on May 26th and 27th, 2022. (https://www.filantropiacortessolari.cl/novopangea/)
The MERI Foundation organizes this Climatic Change Regional Conference that seeks to bring citizens closer to various actors in the region, creating dialogue and collaboration instances for Climatic Change mitigation and adaptation, focusing on reports developed by the Intergovernmental Group on Climatic Change Experts IPCC.
Dr. Letelier explained the historical and current IFOP sampling efforts and which has allowed it to have one of the largest data collections and samples in Latin America. These collections are being reanalyzed from the ecosystemic approach perspective in the context of climatic change. In this work, which has been going on for 58 years, the Institute has gone from an annual diagnostic action of the abundance of fishery resources for the promotion of fisheries and aquaculture, to a comprehensive and retrospective analysis to contribute with scientific information for decision-making. decisions that allow hydrobiological resources and coastal ecosystems sustainability, and as a consequence fishing and aquaculture activities sustainable development.
Dr. Letelier shared presentations, comments and opinions with MSc. Lisbeth Van der Mer, Oceana Chile Executive Director, and Dr. Sonia Español Jiménez, Fundación MERI Executive Director Among the 3 panelists they agreed on the importance that political decisions have on our resources and ecosystems conservation, as well as to face climatic change, are based on data and scientific information.
Avaliable on: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QLz1ntgDv_o
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