Colegio San Juan de Ancud (San Juan de Ancud School) visits IFOP headquarters in the región.
26 May, 2017

Colegio San Juan de Ancud (San Juan de Ancud School) visits IFOP headquarters in the región.

May 29th, 2017 Periodista Gabriela.Gutiérrez

This activity is part of IFOP Anniversary celebration jointly with the activities of the month of the sea.

 On May 24th. 19 second grade students from Colegio San Juan, in Ancud city  ,  along with 2 teachers visited IFOP headquarters. The objective was to inform about Chiloé’s major benthic invertebrate resources, and its ecological role in the marine communities, encouraging conservation based on the knowledge of its life cycle and its development.

 The activity was conducted by researcher Paulo Mora, supported by Base Chief  Vivian Pezo and Christian Ruiz as a photographer. There were exposed some videos about artisanal fishing extractive activity, emphasizing sustainable management that should be given to these activities in order to maintain the benthic resources in the future. The main message was to “care for the sea and its resources“. Later there was a guided tour of the headquarters offices, specifically the exposition of benthic invertebrates that is located at Ancud headquarters. In this activity the children were very interested and had the opportunity to make the most of questions and clarify any doubts that came as they were, and knew these resources. The visit ended with the official photography and balloons for the children.

 Leonardo Núñez, IFOP’s CEO  said “this type of activities to inform children, who will be the replacement generation of our society, the characteristics of the marine fauna, is a way of contributing to the heritage of the oceanic culture that must prevail in our country”

 Paulo Mora, IFOP researcher said “is very important to have this kind of activities with children, even though it is a type of public to which we are not used to, we believe that it is precisely children, children in our society, who must get educated for the future of our marine resources, this slightly more sheltered.” If any of these children, in the future becomes a marine sciences researcher I would be more than satisfied with this activity; so I hope that this experience will be useful for them as motivation.”

 Vivian Pezo, head of Base added “it was very nice to get the younger members of San Juan school and to show them our vision to the educational community, to teach them what is our task as IFOP and  to give them a closer look  of the existing resources in our marine communities, to become familiar with these resources, and that at their  young age they could get  to learn to appreciate what they have in front of them and many times they can not view closely.” We have  the pleasant surprise that many of the children attending are fishermen’s children, those with whom the scientific observers  are working every day, which further enhances this type of activity. We hope that in the future we can continue these activities to promote the IFOP role in Ancud.

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