Abate Molina of IFOP undertake International Oceanographic Cruise
September 20th, 2016
It will be part of the XIX Overall Regional Oceanographic Cruise, carried out by member countries of the Permanent Commission of the South Pacific (CPPS) Chile, Peru, Ecuador and Colombia.
With a staff of 26 people, including researchers and crew, the Scientific Vessel Abate Molina of IFOP sailed today September 15 at 00:00 hours from the port of Valparaiso, to undertake a 40 days cruise “bio-oceanographic conditions and evaluation of the spawning stock of anchovy between the XV and II regions, year 2016.” This cruise will evaluate simultaneously oceanographic conditions and take samples of adults and eggs of anchovy for the application of the method of eggs production (MPDH), whose main objective is to get the spawning biomass of anchovy from northern area of Chile, between the northern frontier to 26 03 ‘S.
The works to be performed during the cruise travel includes the physical, chemical and biological oceanography. Measurements shall be made with CTD/OF (temperature, salinity, oxygen and fluorescence) and discrete sampling of oxygen, chlorophyll, nutrients and phytoplankton, plankton sampling and Ichthyoplankton networks. Also throughout the cruise weather information will be recorded.
Leonardo Nunez, Executive Director of IFOP, said “that scientific cooperation is strategic for our region, since it not only allows the exchange of information to increase awareness of the South Pacific basin, but also contributes to strengthen bilateral ties.”
CPPS (http://cpps-int.org) is a regional maritime system; an agreement, strategic, political and operational choice in the Southeast Pacific to consolidate the presence of the riparian countries in this important geographical area and its effective and coordinated projection, both to the surrounding areas and related to the Pacific Basin relation. This initiative was born on August 18, 1952, with the “Declaration on the Maritime Zone” signed in Santiago de Chile by the Governments of Chile, Ecuador and Peru, while Colombia joins from 1979 on.
Hernán Reyes, Head of the Oceanography Section of IFOP, referred to the history of joint cruises and explained that “this is the XIX version and the member countries of CPPS, and are organized to make an oceanographic sampling synchronously and whose results are the basis for a report on the oceanographic conditions around the Pacific South East, with special emphasis on the study of El Niño. This year it is up to Colombia to prepare the report. On this cruise, scientific observer of IFOP, Robert Bello, is also embarked, under the project “Tracking of Highly Migratory Resources, Ecosystem Approach” of Environment Unit of Oceanography and Environment Department, in response to international commitments made by IFOP and the national fisheries administration (SPPA), also in the framework of the Permanent Commission of the South Pacific (CPPS). ”
Jorge Angulo, IFOP researcher and project leader, said “this cruise is very special because complementary activities will be accomplished, which originally were made in two separate projects in the same area of study and close periods. The information regarding oceanographic monitoring along with high spatial resolution in the distribution of anchovy eggs, necessary for the application of egg production method, will allow generating more complete information to understand the underlying processes to the interaction of this resource with their physical and biological environment during a season of high reproductive activity. ”
An intermediate port of call in Antofagasta is considered for crew turnover and re-supply in late September. In the first phase, cruise chief will be oceanographer Hernán Reyes and for the second, the Marine Biologist, Jorge Angulo.
Once the cruise is completed, the data obtained in the scientific expedition will be processed and then a report will be accomplished, where the information is spread and shared.
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