Scientific Ship AGS 61 sailed from  “Cabo de Hornos” with IFOP professionals
1 August, 2017

Scientific Ship AGS 61 sailed from “Cabo de Hornos” with IFOP professionals

August 7th, 2017 Periodista Gabriela.Gutiérrez

To evaluate the spawning stock of southern hake, tail and three fins, in the outer waters between the X and XII regions

A team of professionals from the Institute of Fisheries Promotion (IFOP) embarked on Tuesday August 1rst, from the port of Valparaíso, in the scientific ship AGS 61 “Cabo de Hornos” to evaluate the hake stock of the south, tail and of three fins between Huafo Island and Golfo de Penas

The cruise chief is René Vargas part of IFOP, and a 19 people endowment. The cruise will last for 20 days.

The overall objective of the project is to evaluate the spawning stock of southern hake, hake and three-fin hake in the outer waters between the X and XII Regions.
Specific Objectives are:

To estimate size of the stock of southern hake, hake and three-fin hake, present in the study area.

To characterize the demographic composition of evaluated stocks of southern hake, hake and three – fin hake.

Describe the reproductive activity of the evaluated stocks of southern hake, hake and three – fin hake, based on the data obtained in the identification sets.

To characterize accompanying fauna of the southern hake, hake and three – fin hake, based on the data obtained in the identification sets, in the area and study period.

To determinate food composition of southern hake, hake and three – fin hake in the study area.

Define aggregations of southern hake, hake and three – fin hake, recorded acoustically in the study area.

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