Abate Molina Scientific vessel sailed for anchovy research
November 28th, 2017
B/C “Abate Molina” (photo: 2016)
At the end of December cruise, the vessel will have completed a historic operation of 244 scientific cruises, with a total of 5488 operation days.
“Abate Molina” B / C set sail on November 25th to carry out its last cruise of the 2017 program, “Hydroacoustic anchovy recruitment evaluation at Regions XV, I and II “. the cruise lasts 28 days, completing 8 cruises in 2017, with a total of 255 operation days.
The general objective is to evaluate anchovy resource juvenile stock, existing in the area between Arica (18 ° 22’S) and Punta Buitre (24º40’S) through hydroacoustic method, and to characterize the species recruitment process in the study area.
Gerson Lizama, Marine Operations Department Head explained “during stay in port period in November, the vessel maintenance and repairs plan was carried out in order to maintain its operative condition to carry out 3 cruises followed in November-December 2017 and January , February 2018, considering that the ship stops in Valparaíso on December 23rd to stay in port on Christmas and New Year dates and start the 2018 program on January 4th with the cruise ” Common Anchovy and Sardine stocks Hydroacoustic evaluation between V and X Regions, for 2018. ”
Lizama added “at the end of the December cruise, the vessel will have completed a historic operation of 244 scientific cruises with a total of 5488 operation days.”
Information collected at the cruises (background size, stock distribution and biological characteristics) will be analyzed by IFOP researchers and will allow to determinate resource state, later a report is made in which the maximum annual exploitation quotas are recommended.
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