WCS Chile launched a book of recipes and stories about Magellan’s artisanal fishing
22 June, 2023

WCS Chile launched a book of recipes and stories about Magellan’s artisanal fishing

June 28th, 2023 Periodista Gabriela.Gutiérrez

The initiative had the collaboration of 14 restaurants from the four provinces of Magallanes and includes the adventures and misadventures of six fishermen and one fisherwoman from the region.

Punta Arenas, June 15th, 2023. WCS Chile launched a book of recipes and stories about Magellan’s artisanal fishing together with representatives of the gastronomic and artisanal fishing world. An initiative that hopes to encourage marine resources responsible consumption among different consumers and seeks to relieve both our sea resources and those who make it possible for shellfish and fish to reach our table: artisanal fishermen.

WCS Chile has been working in Magallanes since 2004 for terrestrial and marine ecosystems conservation, hand in hand with Magellan community, and this book is precisely outcome of one of the efforts made to encourage legal resources purchase, respecting administrative measures such as closed seasons (reproductive and biological) and extraction sizes, among others.

“Among different tools we have to protect our Magellanic community current and future well-being, is marine species and ecosystems care, through, for example, responsible consumption. WCS Chile Marine Program, in collaboration with local actors, including: Zonal Fisheries Directorate, Sernapesca regional office, IFOP, artisanal fishermen, restaurants and chefs in the region, seeks to make visible all the behind extraction of each marine food effort and hard work, as well as art behind each dish preparation, thus contributing to having a more informed community that consumes products extracted respecting current administrative measures”, commented Catherine Dougnac.WCS Chile Scientific Director.

The book’s launch included the participation of marine resources specialized chef , Manuel Matamala, who gave a workshop and encouraged restaurants association , collaborative work importance and resources efficient use, making the most of the ingredients that are used in the kitchen. Finally, the activity concluded with an agreement signing under the slogan, “I buy consciously, I buy legally”, carried out in collaboration with IFOP, which sought to commit the different participants: authorities, chefs, fishermen, students, among others, to consume responsibly our marine resources.

The recipe book was made possible thanks to the generous contribution of 14 restaurants and their respective chefs, who supported the initiative from the four region’s provinces with Magallanes extracted shellfish and fish based dishes. On the other hand, the book has the experience of seven fishermen who told a part of their story, whose common point is the tenacity that being an artisanal fisherman in our region demands.
“We are very grateful for the response we have had from the local gastronomic world and the artisanal fishing sector, as we have identified that they are key actors in transmitting the importance of responsible consumption of marine biodiversity to consumers in the region and thus, navigate towards the sustainability of the southern seas and of activities that benefit from it”, commented Project Manager Scientific Direction of WCS Chile Belén Guarda.

The book of recipes and stories of artisanal fishing is part of the project “Strengthening oyster and crab fishing in the Magallanes Region sustainable management “, executed by WCS Chile, whose main lines of action are: participatory monitoring king crab and oyster; contribute to boosting regional and national market for marine resources extracted in Magallanes; and, finally, to contribute artisanal fishermen leadership capacities and local managers strengthening.
The launch was possible thanks to the generous work of Liceo Raúl Silva Henríquez and its gastronomy students. The book, meanwhile, can be downloaded from the following link: https://chile.wcs.org/tabid/7090/Default.aspx?Command=Core_Download&EntryId=49350

Text and photos by WCS

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