Connecting marine research with coastal towns
July 2nd, 2023
IFOP’s professionals, Johana Ojeda, Pamela Ramírez and Rodrigo Jaramillo, informed Puerto Gala’s Madre de la Divina Providencia school students about IFOP’s work in the area, monitoring details and oceanographic equipment use, generating an atmosphere of pleasant interaction with the children and Camila Azócar their teacher, who, familiar from the cradle with their marine environment and fishing activities, had amusing surprise reactions when learning about IFOP’s work carried in the vicinity of their beloved island .
During April , May and part of June Johana, Pamela and Rodrigo, from Fisheries Development Institute Aquaculture Division Environment Department, carried out environmental monitoring in Los Lagos and Aysén regions as every year within the framework of “ Study of the aquaculture in Chile environmental performance and its effect on local ecosystems” project:
On May 23rd, Josefina Antonia, boat in which sampling was carried out, stopped at Puerto Gala, a fishing cove located in Cisnes commune, Aysén Region. It is an archipelago made up of five islands, its population amounts to about 300 inhabitants, they live from fishing and southern hake and other sea products sales.
The hamlet was established as a consequence of 1980s hake boom, as a set of artisanal fishermen’s camps that are installed to store materials and spend the night. Fishermen came from different parts of Chile and worked intensely for 3 or 4 months on the islands and fjords in the area, but over the years it was one of the only settlements that finally became more than just a camp. . Today it is known for its picturesque walkways.
Due to a great storm at the time of landing in Puerto Gala, anchorage was extended for 3 days. Taking advantage of the fortuitous stay in the cove and the hospitality of its inhabitants, an outreach activity was organized at the town’s Divina Providencia school.
Thus, on May 24th at 11:00 a.m. IFOP professionals Johana Ojeda, Pamela Ramírez and Rodrigo Jaramillo made school students aware of IFOP’s work in the area, details of monitoring and use of oceanographic equipment. , generating an atmosphere of pleasant interaction with the school children (Amaral, Krishna, Matías and Nicolás) and the teacher Camila Azócar, who, familiar from their cradle with their marine environment and fishing activities, had funny surprise reactions at the moment. to learn about the work carried out by IFOP in the vicinity of his beloved island.
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