Arica’s IFOP workers  received  Taxidermy training
14 February, 2023

Arica’s IFOP workers received Taxidermy training

February 16th, 2023 Periodista Gabriela.Gutiérrez

“Taxidermy Techniques in Fish and Crustaceans” theoretical-practical course was carried out at Fisheries Development Institute (IFOP)laboratories it aimed at observers and researchers from Arica’s Regional Headquarters.

The training was in charge of Richard Alanoca Peruvian taxidermist, and lasted 24 chronological hours. The classes began with an introduction to taxidermy’s history and described different currently used techniques to stuff animals and keep them looking alive.

Subsequently, during the practical sessions, workers, guided by the taxidermist, were able to apply acquired knowledge to various fish and crustaceans in the area, as can be seen in the photographs.

Hernán Padilla, Regional Headquarters head, stated “We are all very satisfied with this training, since it will allow us to significantly improve our hydrobiological species collection quality, which we frequently use in community outreach activities, scientific dissemination in schools and training aimed at the fishing sector”.

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