El Niño and Climatic Change Workshop Tarapacá Region´s Risk Management and Mitigation of its Effects
14 December, 2023

El Niño and Climatic Change Workshop Tarapacá Region´s Risk Management and Mitigation of its Effects

December 18th, 2023 Periodista Gabriela.Gutiérrez

On Monday, December 4th, in Iquique city, the national seminar “: El Niño and Climatic Change, Risk Management and Mitigation of its Effects for Tarapacá Region” was held, organized by Universidad Arturo Prat; Fisheries and Aquaculture Undersecretariat, Environment Seremi and Maritime Governance, plus Fisheries Development Institute sponsorship, Alert, Prediction and Observation System (S.A.P.O.), Sea Applied Research, Norte Grande Corporation, Federation of Artisanal Fishermen and Shellfish Divers , Promar Center Pacífico, Economics Seremi, Health Seremi , National Fisheries and Aquaculture Service. This seminar featured the participation of national researchers such as Dr. René Garreaud (Universidad de Chile) and Dr. Raúl Cordero (Universidad de Santiago de Chile), as well as regional experts, who analyzed various perspectives of El Niño and Climatic Change.,

Graciela Pérez Mora, IFOP researcher explained “Scientific observers of IFOP’s northern zone together with S.A.P.O project, since March 2023, have been recording and photographing the presence of species that have been entering northern coasts due to EL NIÑO effect. A background with which a banner was made, which was presented at this seminar. Among the background presented information, the record of specimens that had already been observed in past NIÑOS events stood out, such as the species Selene brevoortii and Scomberomorus sierra, as well as species not previously documented such as Zu cristatus, Sphyraena flavicauda y ensis, Polydactylus approximans, Fregata Oceanic Society y la LaudOPO network, among others.”

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