IFOP of Chile and INIDEP from Argentina held a workshop on hoki within the framework of both institutions’s existing cooperation agreement.
15 December, 2023

IFOP of Chile and INIDEP from Argentina held a workshop on hoki within the framework of both institutions’s existing cooperation agreement.

December 18th, 2023 Periodista Gabriela.Gutiérrez

On December 6th, “Interdisciplinary workshop to discuss biological-fishery aspects of hoki (Macruronus magellanicus) and the environment in which it lives” was held throughout the day within the framework of IFOP-INIDEP cooperation agreement. .
The objective was “to carry out a comprehensive and interdisciplinary analysis of hoki’s (Macruronus magellanicus) biological, oceanographic and fishing aspects. This workshop aims to be the beginning of others that will allow us to approach, with more comprehensive knowledge, future research cruises and obtain a campaign design that adapts, if necessary, to changes that our fishing resources manifest today.”

It was organized by Anabela Zavatteri presencially at INIDEP, and by Ignacio Payá remotely at IFOP. Researchers from Fisheries Development Institute (IFOP) made four presentations electronically: Conceptual model of the stock in Chile and Southern Cone of America (Ignacio Payá); Biological-Fisheries indicators of hoki in Chile (Renato Céspedes), Hoki spawning stock evaluation, in external waters between Aysénregions lakes, 2022 (Rene Vargas), Stock and status evaluation of stock in Chile (Ignacio Payá).

A multidisciplinary group of INIDEP’s researchers presented:
Hoki general biological-fishery aspects; Summer evaluation campaign of southern demersal resources; Hydroacoustics; physical oceanography; Zooplankton; Nutrients; Bio-optics and phytoplankton; Benthos; Presence of hoki in other research campaigns and in the tangon fleet; and Hoki in Falkland Islands.
In both oceans: biological-fishery indicators, abundance estimates from campaigns (research cruises) and stock assessments have decreasing trends, hoki biomass is below Maximum Sustained Yield (MSY) biomass. and fishing fleets have been reduced, reducing fishing mortality below the MSY fishing mortality, catch quotas have been adjusted downwards in recent years.
Various ideas for multidisciplinary studies were identified, and the need to continue with comparative and cooperative analyzes between INIDEP and IFOP.

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