Workshop on benthic fisheries indirect stock assessment as an input for fisheries management methodologies application
16 March, 2018

Workshop on benthic fisheries indirect stock assessment as an input for fisheries management methodologies application

March 19th, 2018 Periodista Gabriela.Gutiérrez

On March 12rd  and 13th , the first methodological workshop was held in Valparaíso in the framework of FIPA project N ° 2017-55 “Evaluation of methodologies application for indirect stock assessment of benthic fisheries as an input for fisheries management”, study which is led by Dr. Carlos Molinet from  Universidad Austral de Chile and leading specialists in stock assessment.

This workshop was attended by IFOP researchers, from Fisheries Assessment and Resource Evaluation Departments, as well as professionals from the Bentonic Resources Unit of Fisheries and Aquaculture Subsecretariat, and four leading specialists participating in the study, Dr. Ana. Parma from National Patagonian Center (CENPAT), Dr. Cristian Canales from  Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Valparaíso, Dr. Rubén Roa-Ureta consultant of Azti, Bilbao and Dr. Juan Carlos Quiroz of the Fisheries Development Institute.

The project began in November of 2017 and aims to “Analyze and propose  conditions for application of methods for indirect stock assessment to be used as a tool for benthic fisheries management  “. In this context, different available methods of analysis were presented in this workshop and benthic resources to be studied were selected, from the point of view of methodologies application to identify their status. The first input comes from  IFOP databases, an institution that through Benton Fisheries Monitoring project, led by researcher Miss Nancy Barahona, will provide information on benthic fisheries monitored in the last two decades.

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