Seminar  addresses outreach, dimensions and projections for our fisheries
2 March, 2018

Seminar addresses outreach, dimensions and projections for our fisheries

March 8th, 2018 Periodista Gabriela.Gutiérrez

The event will take place on Thursday, March 1rst  and Friday, March 2nd at  Valparaíso Natural History Museum.

On March 1rst  and 2nd Fisheries Development Institute (IFOP) together with  Australia’s Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO)  and  Fisheries and Aquaculture Undersecretariat  hold a seminar on Management Strategies Evaluation (EEM) : our fisheries outreach, dimensions and projections , which is made possible due to CORFO contributions to IFOP within the annual performance agreement between both institutions framework.

Javier Rivera, Subpesca Fisheries Department’s head, said: “The objective of achieving fisheries sustainability manifested in Fisheries and Aquaculture Law, makes it necessary to have strategies that allow us to maintain fishing activity under a precautionary ecosystemic approach, which as Subpesca we have materialized through  different Management Plans, Management Committees and Technical Scientific Committees. Therefore, the seminar that takes place the first two days of March comes to relieve these functions, join forces and share experiences regarding  Chilean fisheries sustainable development.

While IFOP Dr. (c) Juan Carlos Quiroz, explained: ” EEM, is a quantitative simulation tool used to evaluate management decisions impacts on population levels of a fishing resource. EMS can also be seen as an instrument that allows comparing  efficiency of different management strategies based on compliance with proposed operational objectives in order to ensure  fishery sustainability. To apply this device it is necessary to identify uncertainty  elements  that may affect what to do in the fishery, as well as to keep in mind  management procedure used (stock assessment and capture rule). That is why  management committees and  scientific committees of fisheries participation in  EEM implementation  is a key issue “.

Mauricio Gálvez, IFOP Fisheries Research Division’s head, concluded “at the seminar, we will account the participation of an expert CSIRO team led by Dr. Richard Little . With CSIRO we are establishing a long-term relationship in fisheries research  field, for which we signed a cooperation memorandum a year ago and this seminar, together with a technical workshop that will take place next week, is the first concrete milestone of this relationship. Other activities that we have on agenda with CSIRO point to the ecosystemic fisheries modeling.

We have invited to these activities IMARPE of Peru and INIDEP from Argentina researchers, with whom IFOP maintains close institutional cooperation relations, which is contributing to give life to Fisheries and Aquaculture Research Institutions of the Member Countries of the Pacific alliance Network  “.

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