Rapa Nui presence at IMPAC 5
12 April, 2023

Rapa Nui presence at IMPAC 5

April 17th, 2023 Periodista Gabriela.Gutiérrez

This participation was possible thanks to Blue Nature Alliance collaboration agreement implemented by the Fisheries Development Institute (IFOP).

The Fifth Marine Protected Areas International Congress (IMPAC5) is held every 4 years, its purpose is to bring together ocean conservation professionals and high-level managers to inform, inspire and act on Marine Protected Areas (MPA’s). This time the event was held in f Vancouver city, Canada. Local Rapa Nui sea council representatives– Koro Nui o te Vaikava, jointly with Ministry of the Environment representative for AMCP-MU Rapa Nui had the opportunity to participate in this conference, achieving important advances for Rapa Nui eco-region marine conservation.

IMPAC5, allowed to increase and broaden each one of the attendees knowledge so that it can later be transferred to the Rapa Nui community. In addition, it allowed networks generation with administrators of other marine protected areas in the world, dialogue importance and of course, implicitly, knowledge management and exchange.
Koro Nui o te Vaikava – Rapa Nui local Sea Council representatives attended meeting No. 10 of Big Ocean network. On this occasion, Rapa Nui Marine Protected Area was officially named as a member of this world’s oceans great network. Big Ocean is a unique peer-learning network created by large-scale MPA managers to promote highest standards in professional ocean conservation.

During the networking day with different indigenous peoples, called Caucus, working groups were developed in which attendees had the role of presenting issues related to ocean worldwide protection and administration. Defending and respecting ocean’s voices in terms of knowledge exchange between indigenous peoples was a key issue to this meeting. Sebastián Yancovic Pakarati Rapa Nui people elected councilor presented two proposals to discuss problems caused by marine debris that reaches coasts and underwater mining.
Some of the activities that stand out in these working groups were:

Marine activities strengthening in relation to decision-making by young people.

Climatic change – food security.

Financing mechanism for marine conservation.

Underwater Mining Prohibition.

The importance of listening to the voices of the ocean is important for MPAs correct management and conservation.

IMPAC5 established milestones were:

Brotherhood Declaration between Isla Coco of Costa Rica and with Juan Fernández Islands. This interest in twinning will allow a collaboration network creation, establishing work lines experiences exchange and joint learning.

Hawaii relationship strengthening with Papahānaumokuākea brotherhood and interest in renewing Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Office (NOAA) collaboration agreement, an announcement that was followed by the US and Chile, renewing their bilateral agreement on terrestrial and marine protected areas. This important agreement between two incredible protected areas creates a cooperative framework Polynesian natural and cultural resources protection and management. And that, despite geographical distance, makes it clear that they are united by a common culture and represent two unique marine environments in the Pacific Ocean that deserve adequate protection and management.

The Ministry of the Environment invited the Chilean delegation that was at IMPAC 5 to participate in a conversation panel, called “Chile’s marine conservation in action: National System of Marine Protected Areas progress and challenges” Its objective was to present State agencies (MMA, Sernapesca and CONAF) and local communities (Rapa Nui, Juan Fernández and Aysén) perspectives about progress and challenges in the participatory management of Marine Protected Areas in Chile.

Along with the above, counselors participated in a focus group with more than 20 MPA managers, organized by Colorado State University Management of Protected Areas Center, whose objective was to raise the training needs of MPA managers. indigenous communities, which was an ideal opportunity to connect and learn about other territories needs. Likewise, collaboration bridges were established with Global Fishing Watch and Sky Light for future satellite monitoring of the Exclusive Economic Zone of Rapa Nui, against industrial and illegal fishing.

Another important point was the meeting with Pew Bertarelli Ocean Legacy, with whom Koro Nui o te Vaikava is working for the construction and implementation of the first Ocean Science and Education center on the island, called Hare o te Moana.

The delegation also participated in various meetings and presentations on different areas, highlighting the meeting with the French Polynesian environment minister, presentations on biodiversity, marine corridors, public policies, conservation in the high seas, priority species, marine inspection, among others.

The future projection in the framework of the administration of the MPAs of Rapa Nui from IMPAC5.

Count on the support of the brotherhood network declared in IMPAC5 for a correct implementation of AMCP-MU and MMH Management Plan to handle how to apply in an orderly manner the various programs linked to Rapa Nui marine protected areaconservation and protection.

Rapa Nui culture ancestral concepts recognition and rescue of Sea related issues.

To generate Rapa Nui Marine Protected Area governance training and presentations to Island community and students.

Rapa Nui Sea Science and Education Center Construction : Hare o te Moana, to train capacities and from there to manage MPAs island

Need for greater proximity to other AMPs at the National level.

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