IFOP trains its employees for collecting scientific data in the context of quality standard ISO 9001.
19 July, 2016

IFOP trains its employees for collecting scientific data in the context of quality standard ISO 9001.

August 10th, 2016 Periodista Gabriela.Gutiérrez

MUESTREO-DE-MERLUZA-EN-PLAYA-DE-TALCAHUANOBetween July and August, IFOP will continue with the training which has been given to its workers since 2006, in the Data Management System Quality ISO 9001. The activity is designed to the headquarters, scientifics, technicals and administrative staff of the Regional Headquarters of Iquique, Coquimbo, Valparaiso, San Antonio, Talcahuano and Calbuco.

Oscar Guzman, representative of ISO 9001, Head at IFOP and speaker of the training, referred to the objective of the training as “to inform workers on the quality management system ISO 9001 of scientific data of IFOP.

The professional added: “The need for IFOP to have a Quality Management System (SGC, según su sigla en español) to achieve excellence in Data Management, is mandatory according to Scientific Observers Regulations, established by the Law on Fisheries and Aquaculture, which in Title III, “of Scientific Observer System Administration”, paragraph d) states that “the institution to take that responsibility must demonstrate a certified management system, which ensures standardized and traceable procedures for collecting, recording, transmission, validation and backup of data and samples, according to the protocols of scientific data collection in the main national fisheries, the last 5 years.

Therefore, for IFOP, the ISO 9001certification on the data management system is not optional, it is mandatory by Republic Act. The involved units are Executive Direction, Fisheries Research Division, Technical Specialties Division and Infrastructure, Division of Administration and Finance.

For workers, to know and apply the ISO 9001 standards, it means an important curricular advantage, to successfully face any other work to be carried out in the future in some other organizations.”

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