Caleta Portales Fishermen found a shark marked by IFOP project
May 4th, 2017They were visited by the head of IFOP marking project. Dr Patricia Zárate.
Luis Corbalán and Pablo Barrera, fishermen from Caleta Portales captured in Valparaiso a Blue Shark with a mark that belongs to IFOP.
Dr. Patricia Zárate said “these marks, called spaghetti, since they have the shape of a noodle, marks are placed on sharks and other marine animals to learn about their displacement. Every animal marked with a spaghetti, allows us to know which specie it belongs to, its size, sex and location, when one of these animals is recaptured, we can learn about its displacement and sometimes we can also know how much it has grown. This Blue shark was originally marked at Coquimbo on November 17 – 2015 and travelled approximately 250 km to the South until it was recaptured by these fishermen at Caleta Portales”.
Luis Corbalán, fishermen added “ We are very happy to be visited from IFOP because we found this mark. We do know that it is very useful for the institute since it gives them scientific information. Besides that they came to visit us and brought us some souvenirs. At our side we are eager to keep collaborating every time we find one of these markings.”
Pablo Barrera said “we catched this blue shark with the mark and we did not know what to do and suddenly we lighted up when we noticed this mark read IFOP. That’s why we informed so you can come and pick it up. ”
Dr Zarate added: “this marking success depends mainly on fishing area collaboration. They are the ones that have greater probabilities to find these marked sharks or sword fish. We are very thankful we recovered this mark and for the information fishermen had given us. We hope other fishermen could feel motivated to do the same when they find a marked animal. The biggest the amount of recovered spaguetti marks the bigger our knowledge about biology and displacement of these highly migratory resources would be.
Between 2005 and 2016 marking and recapture research, held by the Highly Migratory Resources Project- Ecosystemic Approach directed by Dr Patricia Zarate. With scientific observers and IFOP researchers support 650 Blue sharks,372 Sword fish, 56 Mako shark and 27 porbeagle.
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