Iquique’s IFOP Histologic Lab incorporated Cryostat equipment
10 April, 2017

Iquique’s IFOP Histologic Lab incorporated Cryostat equipment

May 2nd, 2017 Periodista Gabriela.Gutiérrez

High performance technology, precision engineeringwas used obtaining tissue sections, aiming the improvement of opportunity analysis of indicators to set the reproductive season of anchovy.

From the end of March is in operation at IFOP reproduction lab (histology) in Iquique. The new cryostat Thermo Scientific CryoStar NX50, a high performance equipment and precision engineering in obtaining frozen tissue sections samples, that allow a greater capacity for analysis and opportunity of the indicators that set the reproductive season of the anchovy in northern Chile.

The new cryostat equipment involved an investment of approximately $33 million funded through CORFO Performance Agreement 2016, whose investment is part of the guidelines to improve scientific counseling to the State, accompanied to the recently acquired automatic tissue processor (2014) to contribute to maintain sustainable fishery.

To end the setting up process, on March 30 and 31 technical training was held at the Histology Lab (Iquique) this training was performed by Miss Angie Calfuman, Medical Technologist of the pathology unit of Dr. Luis Tisné Brousse Hospital, with the participation of Lab personnel from Puerto Montt and Iquique. The laboratory of Iquique is at Mr. Eduardo Díaz charge.

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