IFOP researchers give benthic resources talks in Ancud.
29 May, 2024

IFOP researchers give benthic resources talks in Ancud.

June 2nd, 2024 Periodista Gabriela.Gutiérrez

Between May 13th and 15th, Fisheries Development Institute (IFOP) researchers presented talks in Ancud Commune’s different locations. Researcher Paulo Mora presented the talk called “Benthic Resources and Fisheries in Los Lagos Region” at El Pilar and Seminario Conciliar schools in Ancud city. Researchers Paulo Mora, Andrés Olguín and Sebastián Cook presented the talks “Benthic resources and fisheries in Los Lagos Region”, “Jellyfish: Myths and Realities” and “Cultivation experiences inPudeto estuary and aquaculture sustainability perspectives “, respectively, the latter in the context of “Sea Day” organized by Quempillén experimental farming center of Universidad Austral de Chile.

During the day on Monday, May 13th, El Pilar School’s teachers really appreciated the talk that their 60 studentsthat were present listened to very attentively. Lorena Mancilla, teacher at El Pilar school, expressed: “The approach to science and the work carried out by IFOP is positively valued. Since a high percentage of our students come from families that depend mainly on marine resources extraction activities linked to the sea.” On the other hand, Sandra Hernández, also a teacher at El Pilar school, said: “We highlight the clear explanation of benthic resources, activities and products that are extracted in the area, and how human beings are part of these interactions. This helps to practically understand the role of human beings in ecosystems.”

On Tuesday, May 14th, it was the turn of the Conciliar Seminary School of Ancud, where 45 students were able to listen to the talk about benthic resources and their fisheries. Paula Soto, teacher of Aquaculture Technician specialty at the school, stated: It is very important that researchers from institutions as relevant as IFOP come to reaffirm what we teach here to our students, in this way they can concretely visualize what they have learned and how it is applied in the world of work.”

At Quempillén center, IFOP’s participation in Sea Day that took place on May 15th was also appreciated, in which students and teachers from different schools in Ancud attended the dissemination of various topics related to marine sciences. In this context, Juan Pablo Fuentes, UACH Quempillén center administrator, expressed: “They were high-quality talks, easy to understand and for all audiences. For us, organizing this type of dissemination activities is of great relevance, since it allows us to spread scientific knowledge from researchers to the community in general.”

Paulo Mora, IFOP researcher, added “This series of talks for schools and research centers is part of the commitment to disseminate IFOP’s work and obtained results from different programs. As Benthic Fisheries Monitoring Program researcher, I consider it relevant that dissemination is mainly in the territory where fisheries are developed, in the context of ecosystemic and socio-ecological approach.”

“It is important that the information that is generated from carried out research on different marine species or different specialized areas linked to marine environment be transferred to our future generations, and not remain stored in computers or files. Young people who have become scientists will be in charge of ensuring marine resources sustainability. In this aspect, IFOP researchers have given ourselves the task of disseminating our work in the student community and in the community in general,” concluded Andrés Olguín.

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