Researcher Carolina Hernandez of IFOP is perfected in Denmark in “Analysis and satellite vessel monitoring and logbook “
November 20th, 2015The course provides important tools in the processing of satellite images to assist in the goal of advancing the integrated environmental and biological-fishing information on the project for monitoring the pelagic fishery north analysis. In addition, bonding with domestic and foreign similar entities identified as part of a strategic corporate goals.
Between 9 and 13 November, the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) in Copenhagen, Denmark, the course Analysis and satellite monitoring of vessels and fishing logs “will be performed using the VMStools package aims have an analysis tool that allows the integration of satellite monitoring of vessels (Acronym in English: VMS) and the logbooks.
These data have proved a valuable source of information of the actual spatial distribution of fishing effort which combined with data from fishing logbooks for estimating the distribution of catches more accurately.
To integrate both sources of information the course will provide training in the use of free software package R VMStools project, both in the process of obtaining and VMS data cleansing and blogs (focused on reviewing the advantages, limitations, confidentiality issues data), and the combination of the data to perform more advanced analysis, calculation of indicators (eg, fishing area), exploring the connection between fishing effort and other explanatory variables such as depth, primary production, temperature, wind speed etc. Also considered an introduction to spatial statistics – shapefiles, points, lines, polygons, map projections and data storage.
Santoro is Carola Hernández Fisheries Engineer, Catholic University of Valparaiso and Industrial Engineer from the University Federico Santa Maria, candidate for Master in oceanography at the Catholic University of Valparaiso.
His research interests include statistical modeling, particularly in fisheries for space applications models – temporary integrating the environment. He has served five years as a researcher of the monitoring program for pelagic fisheries area north of Chile.
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