IFOP researcher presented work at Aquaculture International Congress  in Colombia
5 November, 2018

IFOP researcher presented work at Aquaculture International Congress in Colombia

November 7th, 2018 Periodista Gabriela.Gutiérrez

On behalf of Fisheries Development Institute , Dr. Pablo Rojas Venegas, senior researcher at Environment Department, attended presenting his research ” EUTROPHYING PROCESSES AT INTERIOR SEA OF CHILOÉ: HYDRODYNAMIC AND BIOGEOCHEMICAL MODELS COUPLING ” within the session which corresponds to the aquaculture and environment topic.

Between October 23rd and 26th in Bogotá, Colombia, Latin American & Caribbean Aquaculture 18 (LAQUA 18), “Aquaculture for Peace” organized by the World Aquaculture Society and the National University of Colombia, was held. The activity brought together researchers from Latin American countries, the US, Europe and Asia. Likewise, and in parallel, an International Exhibition was held with the participation of international suppliers of aquaculture, showing the latest advances in terms of equipment, supplies and services.

Representing IFOP, Dr. Pablo M. Rojas Venegas, senior researcher at Environment Department, presented his research (orally) ” EUTROPHYING PROCESSES IN INLAND CHILOÉ: HYDRODYNAMIC AND BIOGEOCHEMICAL MODELS COUPLING ” this lecture was included at the aquaculture and environment session.

Dr. Rojas explained “The presentation aim was knowing causes and consequences caused (on water quality and condition of the associated benthic system) a notable increase in the contributions of nutrients (eutrophication) from productive activities that they develop in Inland Sea of Chiloé.

To address this problem, the research incorporated oceanographic criteria, as well as quantitative modeling tools (hydrodynamics and biogeochemistry) to evaluate impact of organic matter and metabolic waste incorporation into the aquatic environment as a result of the productive activities carried out in the zone”.

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