INIDEP and IFOP met at Mar del Plata to deepen some joint actions
9 May, 2016

INIDEP and IFOP met at Mar del Plata to deepen some joint actions

May 23rd, 2016 Periodista Gabriela.Gutiérrez

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Tomorrow at Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Pesquero premises, it will commence the Annual Coordination Workshop 2016 of the coordinator commitee of the Convenio Cooperación Científica, existent between INIDEP and the Instituto de Fomento Pesquero of Chile.
In two intense work days, authorities and researchers of both institutions will continue to develop the assumed objectives through the agreement accomplished on July 2014, in order to formalize the cooperation relations and so, generate the opportunities to fortify the investigation and the management of marine and coastal-marine resources.
The mutual cooperation areas have to deal with promoting and fortifying investigation process and common extension of marine areas and coastal-marine areas of the country; to create knowledge about marine resources for a sustainable management and improve decision making; creation of jointly technical groups and train the researchers in issues related to sustainable management of hydro biological resources.
The first coordination meeting was carried out in Valparaiso in March, 2015, and in that time, two Specific Agreements were established: 1) Operation structure of the Agreement of Scientific Cooperation INIDEP-IFOP, and 2) Combined study of austral fisheries, working groups definition, issues to be addressed and activity schedule.
Tomorrow Tuesday, May 10 and Wednesday 11, an extensive schedule will take place in order to review the activities undertaken in 2015 and prioritize issues of interest for 2016, prioritize the training needs and manage the performance of related activities for the 2016, define and review the general agenda of meetings of the GT this year, appointing the annual Executive Coordinator and inform the respective directions of INIDEP and IFOP about the progress of the agreement implementation.
The following will be the members of the Coordinating Committee of Convenio Cooperación Científica INIDEP-IFOP: Otto Wöhler, National Scientific Research Director of INIDEP; Patricia Martínez, Demersal Fisheries Director (INIDEP); Claudio Bernal Larrondo, Resources Evaluation Department Head(IFOP); Francisco Contreras Mejías, Executive Director 2015; Ignacio Payá C., Finance and Administration Division Manager; Pamela Dinamarca Palma (IFOP) and the researchers of INIDEP, Analía Giussi, Ana Massa, Gabriela Irusta, Anabela Zavatteri ,Emiliano Di Marco and Natalia Ruocco.

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