IFOP and ATF conduct devices testing  to mitigate seabirds incidental capture
1 August, 2018

IFOP and ATF conduct devices testing to mitigate seabirds incidental capture

August 4th, 2018 Periodista Gabriela.Gutiérrez

Abate Molina scientific vessel is used as a scientific platform, which will be used to carry out research about this issue.

“In recent decades seabirds incidental capture in fishing activities has been a point of constant attention and search for solutions to mitigate their effect on bird populations, for most of countries that exploit fishing resources,” said Luis Adasme IFOP researcher.

Chilean ecosystemic approach framework, provided by current Fisheries Law since 2013, has made it possible to seek and implement responses to this problem. In this context, Acoustic Assessment of common hake and Discard Research projects coordination have achieved field tests realization, in Abate Molina from the mitigation system known as Espantapájaros Lines (LEP) or Tori Line , a device that reduces the incidental capture of seabirds in fishing operations and has international backing from Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels Agreement (ACAP) in which Chile is a member.

Tabla Tamini

Tabla Tamini

Leandro Tamini, creator of the device (Tabla Tamini) that improves ballast and streamer lines performance (LEP). He is from Argentina and belongs to Albatross Task Force (ATF) NGO from Argentina, met with Luis Parot IFOP executive director, Tamini highlighted that “tests carried out with Espantapájaros Lines using (Tamini board device) achieve a better performance and efficiency of this mitigation measure ”

Claudio Bernal, IFOP researcher, added: “It is important to highlight that this collaborative activity between Chile (IFOP) and Argentina (ATF) is the first experience carried out aboard a scientific vessel (Abate Molina), which will allow us to see the performance, effectiveness and maneuverability of these devices in national waters. “

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