IFOP develops an intensive monitoring of sardine resource
October 17th, 2016
Antonio Aranis, marine biologist and head (I) of the Department of Fisheries Assessment said “the monitoring of biological closure is made to protect and to safeguard the resource. For sardine and anchovy, two closures are implemented in the year: one of recruitment at year commencement, and other reproductive, late winter-spring.
The purpose of monitoring is to obtain information on the evolution of the biological processes of resource being protected.”
Leonardo Nunez, Executive Director of IFOP said “according to IFOP role, we should perform permanent research of resources and the monitoring of the sardine, in order to generate the necessary technical basis to implement appropriate regulatory measures.
Sampling coverage considered using artisanal vessels for sampling work in the closure period when fishing resource is prohibited; during the closure, samples are taken from boats of artisanal or industrial fleet, allowing maintaining an effective and timely monitoring. In the case of south central area, the required logistic was established to address monitoring of the reproductive status of sardine and anchovy resources through scientific observers, who collect information on board vessels.
Specifically relevant information for recruitment is the size structure of the fish caught and in the case of reproductive condition, is to assess the state of maturity. This information allows following their condition over time and timely guide decisions of authority. The information gathered is structured into public reports available on the website of Subsecretaría de Pesca e IFOP.”
Antonio Aranis explained “that in the reproductive process, gonadosomatic index is evaluated and this must be greater than or equal to 6, and at the same time, the proportion of active females is evaluated, which should exceed 40% in the case of common sardine, to be decreed the closure. This design follows a methodological approach that has been perfected over time and sanctioned by the Scientific Technical Committee.
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