IFOP participates in the workshop: “Incidental catch of birds and possible solutions for trawling fisheries in the Southern Cone”
17 January, 2017

IFOP participates in the workshop: “Incidental catch of birds and possible solutions for trawling fisheries in the Southern Cone”

March 1st, 2017 Periodista Gabriela.Gutiérrez

Between January 11 and 13, the workshop: “Incidental catch of birds and possible solutions for trawling fisheries in the Southern Cone” was held at Hotel Villa del Río, Valdivia.

The activity was organized by the Marine Program of BirdLife International, whose objectives are as follows:

Strengthen the links between the main researchers and advisers in Argentina and Chile; identify common goals between the two countries and opportunities for collaboration and sharing experiences; align the objectives in common with the work plan of the ACAP seabird by-catch working group; identify working lines to experiment with potential mitigation measures; develop future implementation plans.

It was attended by representatives of England, (BirdLife rspb); from Argentina, Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Pesquero (INIDEP), ATF; from Australia, Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels (ACAP); from Chile, Instituto de Fomento Pesquero (IFOP), Subsecretaría de Pesca y Acuicultura (SUBPESCA), ATF Chile, Corporación de Defensa de la Flora y Fauna (CODEF).

From Instituto de Fomento Pesquero, Marcelo San Martín, Jorge Azocar, Carlos Montenegro and Luis Adasme attended to the activity. The last two mentioned gave presentations to the participants on the work carried out by IFOP in this line of research, as of the studies carried out at southern sector fisheries and also mitigation proposals generated for the trawl fleets.

Carlos Montenegro, head of fisheries assessment department, explained “my presentation focused on positioning the IFOP as an institution aligned with data collection and knowledge generation from an ecosystem perspective”
Luis Adasme added that “the work presented makes public and updates the results of the research carried out on “seabird by-catch” in the trawl fleets operating in the Austral southern zone of Chile, a study carried out by the Instituto de Fomento Pesquero in its program “Monitoring and Follow up of Demersal and Deepwater Fisheries Resources.”

On the other hand, the researcher provided the first antecedents that allow to propose as a mitigation measure the “control of the fishing effort” in the fleets of trawling.

This mitigation measure would have the positive effects that the ecosystem approach seeks to obtain, minimizing bycatch of seabirds along with reducing the discards associated to hauls above 4 hours of trawling, thus generating more efficient fishing operations, both in relation to the fishing yields, and the costs involved in these operations. ”

Lastly, he pointed out that measures such as those suggested, along with others, promoted sustainable and responsible practices, clearly contributing to the certification possibilities of fisheries in increasingly demanding markets for ecosystem issues, good practices at fisheries and the sustainability of resources.

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