IFOP organizes a fisheries management bioeconomic modeling workshop
March 29th, 2018
Between March 22nd and 23rd , in Valparaíso, IFOP, Fisheries Development Institute in conjunction with Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) and University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) conducted a bioeconomy workshop called “Fisheries management Bioeconomic modeling and portfolio approach: challenges, opportunities and shared vision“, where main bioeconomic modeling approaches used worldwide on specific fisheries developed by EDF and UCSB researchers were presented, In addition to bioeconomic modeling approach used in Chile by IFOP researchers, sectorialists from Fisheries and Aquaculture Undersecretariat and researchers from Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Talca, Concepción and Católica del Norte also participated.
Camilo Torres, IFOP’s fisheries aquaculture and economics researcher, referred to bioeconomic modeling as “an analysis tool that integrates biological and fishery aspects, with social and economic aspects of a fishery, allowing to evaluate ex-before, the impacts that could generate in these areas management measures that point to overexploited or depleted fisheries recovery. Based on this, authority can prepare recovery programs together with necessary resources sizing for mitigation and compensation measures establishment “.
Mauricio Gálvez, IFOP fisheries research division head, highlighted “this activity is part of a Understanding Memorandum among IFOP and EDF, and is aimed at building scientific and research approaches that will allow IFOP to develop bioeconomic fisheries analyzes and that they will represent a key element in a most holistic analyzes, and specifically for Ecosystemic Approach to Fisheries application “.
In her side, Erica Cunningham, EDF Chilean program director, spoke about this workshop and indicated that, “this workshop is the beginning of a very important collaboration for the Humboldt Current to increase the collective capacity to create bioeconomic, applicable models to face challenges associated with an ecosystemic approach implementation, especially by looking at variability in the context of climatic change and at the same time finding ways to recover many of our overexploited fisheries.
Carlos Montenegro head of IFOP fisheries department, , said “this workshop has an important component of bioeconomic models methodological analysis, research tools complementary to other work lines that the institute is currently developing, such as Management and Modeling strategies evaluation of Fisheries Based on Ecosystems “.
Finally, Leonardo Núñez, IFOP executive director, stressed the importance of continuing on scientific cooperation path with specialized centers from other latitudes, to strengthen and project our institute research cutting-edge issues such as fisheries bioeconomy.
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