Important FAO Sustainable Development meeting was integrated by IFOP. This meeting was held in Rome
November 30th, 2017Between November 21rst and 24th , “Best practices for Indicator 14.4.1 implementation and presentation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)” workshop was held in Rome, Italy. This workshop is part of FAO initiative to raise SDG 14 awareness and global reporting process for Indicator 14.4.1 importance: biologically sustainable fish stocks percentage.
Representing (IFOP), Fisheries Development Institute Dr © Juan-Carlos Quiroz, Resource Assessment Department (DER) Head. He was invited to present his work “Chilean fisheries management: current status of exploited populations“. Exploitation of main fishing resources in Chile and fisheries management framework under which IFOP scientific advice is based.
Likewise, this meeting was attended by fisheries research institutions representatives from Peru, Mexico, Italy, India, Turkey, Mozambique, Kenya, Kuwait, Morocco, Iran and China, which also presented their fisheries management frameworks under which they base their counseling to these countries. Dr. Quiroz pointed out “it was gratifying to confirm Chile’s significant progress in these matters. Without any doubt, we have great methodological solidity and a good fishing management framework, even though some processes need to be improved “.
According to Dr. Yimin YE, Head of FAO-FIAF section and workshop coordinator, “This type of activity allows to determinate technical training requirements both for data collection purposes, as well as for instruction on analytical methods for production Indicator 14.4.1 “
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